□◇Wedding(Jake Gyllenhaal/RDJ dad fluff)◇□

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Wedding fluff. Like part two of "Daughter". I'm not gonna write about all that stuff during wedding cuz its quite annoying so yeah

"This is the day, the most wonderful day of my life",you say to yourself as you try to calm down. "Honey, you will be alright", Susan softly strokes your shoulder. "Mhm... What if I'm not ready?",you start panicking, but she slightly shakes you, "Lady, Calm down. I've been in your place, so every bride in this world. Wedding nerves you're having. It's because you are about to make a big step in your life. Remember who will be waiting for you",she calms you down. "J-Jake",a smile creeps up on your face. "Exactly. Don't worry",she smiles and caresses your hair. "What if he won't show up...Wha-",you were cut off by your dad, "He will, he's so in love with you like I'm with my sarcasm",he smirks and walks closer. "By the way, you look unbelievably beautiful sweetheart",he says as he spins you around. "Aww... Thanks",you hug him as a tear rolls down your face. Susan gives Robert a proud look and he quickly raises his head, "Come here, it's a family hug, you won't escape it so easily",he exclaims as she walks to you and gives into the big hug. "Even though you're not my real mother, which I don't actually have, I love you like one, because you and my dad loved and supported me when no one else did",you said,slightly sobbing. Susan only hugs you tighter,making your father chuckle. "I love you like a daughter. My sweet daughter",she smiles and wipes away ha tear out of her face.
"Well, enough crying",your dad wipes the tears from your cheeks, "I am about to give my beloved daughter to a good man. Always know that me and Susan will always be there to support you and love you",he hugs you once more. "Sweethearts, time is ticking",Susan says, giving a glance at the clock. "Okay let's go, alright?",your dad asks and offers you his arm. "Yeah",you smile at him hold on him.
When you walk out of the building you see a beach, everything look as if it was perfect. Sun was going down, making everything even more beautiful. The view of the sea was astonishing. You invited only the most important people of yours and to your surprise everyone arrived, all happy and excited. And and you saw the one and the only Jake standing there at the end of the aisle. Shivers instantly ran down your body and smile appeared on your face. Soon the music started playing and your dad took a step further. "Earth to y/n",he waves his free hand in front of your face to get your attention. "Sorry, I was just thinking",you mumble and smile.

Your dad walks you further the aisle and sees so how mixed your emotions are, you look panicked, but yet joyful, so he leans a bit closer to you, "If you feel like you're not ready or stop doubting it, just leave and come to me, I'll be there whatever you choose. But If somewhere deep inside you feel like everything is just like it has to be then brush away all the worries. Your all family and friends are here in the most important and happiest day in your life, be happy and smile",he says and smiles. "I love you dad",you smile back.

you finally reach the aisle's end, where Jake stands. He seems a bit anxious, but the smile on his face, like he'd seen something miraculous, tells you how happy he is. But before giving you to Jake, your dad leans closer to Jake, "Son, I'm giving my daughter to you, so you better love her as much as we do, or even more and take care of her and don't hurt her, cause I am Robert Downey Junior and you'll see what I can do", your dad furrows his eyebrows. "Yes sir, I promise to love and respect your daughter forever",Jake assured your father and took your arm, pulling you closer to him. "God, you look so stunningly beautiful, I love you so much",he said as he placed a kiss on your head. "I love you too",you smiled as you two greeted your friend, who was your wedding officiant, since You and Jake weren't religious.

*about an half hour later

Finally the ceremony is almost over, the promises are told and rings are on. So Jake pulls you into a deep kiss and everybody cheers up, "I love you Mrs. Gyllenhaal",he whispers and kisses you again. "I love you more Mr. Gyllenhaal",you smile to him.

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