•●Groceries(Harry Styles)●•

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'H, where are you?",I shouted for Harry, he was nowhere to find. He was supposed to get dressed and help me with grocery shopping. Yet he was nowhere, so I decided to check for him in his homestudio. Little did I know he was there. "Ah, there you are",I exclaimed, "you shouldn't be working today y'know", I said, resting my hands on his shoulders. "M'sorry. I had an idea, but it just disappeared right before I stepped into this room",he sighed, placing his hand over mine. "Take a little time off and go to help me with groceries like you promised. Unwind a little",I said, gently massaging his shoulders. "Give me five minutes",he mumbled and grabbed for his phone. "Only five",I corrected him, "and sit straight",I pushed him further the chair and corrected his sitting posture, so he wouldn't make his posture even worse. "Yes m'am",he replied and straightened out.
"We can go",he said passing me by and grabbing his jacket on the way. "Good",I stood up and followed him. We got into the vehicle and took off.
The shop was pretty empty. Because it was pretty early and work day. "Where first?",Harry questioned, but instead of answering i just headed to sweet aisle, while Harry followed me, pushing the shopping cart. "How did I forget",he chuckled. "Aight, want that, that and-",I grabbed for exact products I wanted, but couldn't reach for chocolates. Harry got the hint and reached over me, "which ones?". "That one",I pointed at the chocolate I wanted. He took a couple of them, knowing for sure one is not enough. "Are you trying to get me fat",I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "No. I'm trying to avoid your attacks, when you run out of chocolate",he explained and put the chocolates in the cart. "Fair enough",you shrugged and headed towards cereals, legumes and other stuff aisle. Then to another one and another one. That went on like that until the cart was full. "You keep stuffing things like there's some food fest waiting at home. Don't forget we have to carry them to the car",Harry informed me. "We will",I reassured him, knowing damn good some difficulties were about to come.
Standing at the cashier's, with Harry's help I stuffed the three bags and placed them, heavy bags on the little thing for groceries. Harry paid for the groceries, cause I paid for previous ones and we grabbed the bags. Of course being a gentle man Harry took the heavy bags and left me the lighter one. We carried the bags to the car, placed them in the back of the car and got in the vehicle. "Home or...?",he suggested, thinking I might want some food out. "Home, I want to make a pieee",I exclaimed, excitedly. "home it is",he chuckled and started the vehicle.
We were halfway to home when I saw a bee, sitting on the window. Me being me, thought it was inside, so I yelped. "A BEEE!!",I shouted, scaring him so bad that he, basically lost control over the wheel and almost drove into a tree. He immediately stopped and looked at me with a dead serious look. "Y/N! Are you out of your little mind?",he articulated, loud. Thank god I wasn't in a bad mood, I would have started crying then. "M'sorry sorryy...sorryy....",I hid my face from guilt. "WE COULD HAVE GOTTEN INTO a bloody car accident!!... love, don't scream like that again... not while I'm driving",his voice softened and he lifted my face with his hand on my chin. "M'sorry...",I murmured, not wanting to look at him. "Look me in the eyes",he said and I found some courage to do so, "s' alright",he placed a kiss on my forehead and continued driving. To ease the tension he turned the volume of the radio and we sang along to some 80's songs on the station.

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