(16) Super Far

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Lee Minho

I was on my way to sowon's house but she suddenly called. I was walking around jisung's house while talking to her, i couldnt help but to smile through out the phone call, jisung was staring at me like im crazy. It was the longest phone call we ever had. It made me giddy.

I was so nervous in meeting her family, i couldnt wait to see sowon too i missed her already. When i got off the bus i immediately embraced her small figure. Even if she didnt say 'i missed you too' im happy im with her. I couldnt help but be so anxious when we made our way to their house. She tried to comfort me many times but it creeps back. When i saw their house i stopped.

"Look minho, my parents wouldnt go against you. They know what ill do if they did. And believe me there's nothing unlikeable about you, now lets go im really hungry."

She called me minho and it made me feel a lot better. She dragged me inside. I quickly panicked when i saw her parents. I made sure to be extra careful in talking. I started to feel nervous when they found out about me, her dad didnt say much about it, I became relaxed later on as we eat.

I saw how sowon treated her father, she only talks to him so she doesnt seem rude. She ignored her father most of the time. I even heard her mumble things about him so i covered her voice up. His father doesnt seem to be giving up even if she ignores him or answer him a bit rudely,I got worried they might have a fight because of it. I guess thats what she was talking about, her father cant do anything about her and if he did i guess sowon wont come here again. Even when we went home, she still didnt say much to
him, and when i talked about her dad in the bus she wasnt pleased about it. I dropped the conversation, i guess now wasn't the time to talk about it.

I felt her rest her head in my shoulders, i become happy in the smallest gestures because of her.


I came to my friends birthday party but i got bored so i left. I was near her home when i got a call from chan telling me to come over sowon's house, he didnt tell me what it was so i ran so fast there.

I was so afraid when i opened the door, everything was a mess. I quickly got my shit together, i need to take care of this. I got tired of cleaning and fixing the house, im glad chan and inha was here to help. I would've gone nuts if im the only one here.

After cleaning i only realised that ttalgi was nowehere to be found, i looked for her outside, called her name. I asked her neighbors if they seen a cat. I even gave them my number just in case they see her. Ive been searching for an hour so i went back to sowon's house.

When chan and inha left i went to sowon. I watch her sleep. I got tired of sitting so i lie down beside her, im just gonna sleep lightly until she wakes up.

I prepared her a meal but she just spilled it. I just shrug it off, i need to understand her now more than ever. I came back with food again but she locked herself in the bathroom.

I can hear her cry. I just want to break this damn door more than ever. I talked her out of it, ill just have to leave her alone for a while. Before i left her room i made sure she didnt hurt herself. I just want to hug her but i cant even do that since she never wants me too.

I sat beside her door, i listened to her cry her lungs out. When i hear her get tired and stopped crying, i checked if she was asleep already. I tuck her in and took the untouched food. I prepared clothes for her since she might stay there for a while. I should get some sleep, its already 5 am. To the sofa it is.

Something Kinda Crazy: Lee Know ft. Bang Chan fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now