1: Your Average Student

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Hey everyone! Thanks for choosing to read my stuff, I hope you enjoy it!

Just a forewarning, this story does contain some mature language/content that may be upsetting to some readers.
Other than that, happy reading :)

"Bye bye, Miss. Summers!" The children would chirp as they skipped out of the classroom. They're accents evident in their words.
"Bye bye, see you tomorrow." I would smile back at them while waving, watching their small backpacks bounce with every movement. As soon as they exited, the hallways would flood with a language I was still unfamiliar with.
"Miss. Summers, you are free to go. Have a nice evening." Mrs. Kang gave me a small smile as she began neatly placing her papers into her bag.
"Kamsahamnida." I bowed. "You as well." I slung my bag over my shoulder and gave one last wave to Mrs. Kang before heading out.
I worked under her as an assistant teacher, teaching English. I'm studying at Kyung Hee University which isn't far from the elementary school, majoring in English, loved kids and needed to make money somehow so I thought what better way to do it then help teach. Although I don't know the language quite yet, I really enjoy helping these children grow as learners.

As I step outside, the cold winter air washes over me and I shiver. Days like these are when I dread walking home. My apartment is a few blocks away so I made the brave decision to walk to work. I shuffle around in my bag for my winter hat and stuff it on top of my head and begin my walk.

My apartment is small, but it's only me living there so it's a perfect size. I sigh and set my stuff down by the couch and peel off the multiple layers of coats. I glance up at cat clock one of my students gifted me a while back, only a couple more hours until my night classes begin, good thing the holiday break was just a day away.

The next day

Just as when I was young, lunch is my favorite time of the day. A young girl named Hayoon always comes and keeps Mrs. Kang and I company and she always has something interesting to say. Even though she's only 8, she has the maturity of a college student. She's also the only student I know of that can speak English fluently so naturally, I chat with her the most.

"Hello teachers." She smiles as she pulls up a chair to Mrs. Kang's desk and pulls out her small metal lunchbox. Her short black hair is pulled into a small ponytail today with two purple barrettes on each side. She begins stuffing her mouth with food right away. "So, Mrs. Summers, you know how I told you my second cousin twice removed works as a makeup artist for the one famous boy band?" She waves her hand around in the air and takes another big bite.
"How could I forget?" I chuckled. Hayoon's classmates are always praising her because of her cousins occupation, she says she hates the attention and I think she actually means it.
"Well," she stops to swallow, "she's gonna visit us on break, I could put in a good word for you. Maybe you'll be able to meet the members and eventually fall deeply in love with one of them." She raises her eyebrows up at me, teasingly. I almost choke on my salad and Mrs. Kang tries to hide her laughter with her hand.

"Thank you for the offer, Hayoon, but I think I'll have to pass. I don't have time for boys." I say after I get my food down.

"Oh c'mon, you're single, you're gorgeous and let be honest, who wouldn't want to date someone that looks as good as those boys?" She continues to look at me with her eyebrows raised, waiting for my response.
"Me." I say "like I said, I just don't have time. Now let's talk about other things you have planned for your break besides trying to set me up with an idol." I chuckle again and she rolls her eyes.
"Fine." She then goes on talking to Mrs. Kang about what she was hoping to get for Christmas. Thank god.
I've never really given idols, such as the ones her cousin works for, much of my attention. I feel that they get enough from everyone else. I don't even think I could recite half of their names... there's so many of them.
Soon lunch is over, I give Hayoon a hug and wish her a Merry Christmas. She said she'll come back with story's of her cousin. I lied and told her I couldn't wait to hear them.
Not long later, the final bell rings and I am sent off to relax for a whole week.

Back from break

••During long breaks like that, I miss my family even more. I wish it wasn't so expensive to travel back to America, or I would go every month. I tried spending most of the break with my new friends from the university but I still couldn't keep my mind off my sisters. I was kind of glad to be back on my regular schedule.  ••
Lunch came rolling around and I made sure to pull up a chair for Hayoon before she showed up. It was just her and I today, Mrs. Kang had a meeting. As I'm pulling out my lunchbox I hear heavy footsteps, clapping down the hallway. Getting closer and closer until a small Hayoon is halted and out of breath in the doorway.
"Why in such a hurry? Is everything alright?" I start to get worried because of her hustle over.
"Mrs. Summers... I did... something." She says slumping into the classroom, still taking big breaths.
"Uh oh, what happened?" I relax slightly as she does.
"So..." She looks up at me with her big almond eyes. "You know my cousin...?" Oh no what did she say?
"Hayoon..." I whined, knowing she mentioned me.
"I know, I'm sorry, but listen. Ok?" I'm not sure I've ever seen her so serious. It's making me nervous. "We were at dinner, and my cousin started talking about her job. Obviously people are gonna ask a bunch of questions so she talked about it for a really long time actually and I kinda started to zone out-"

"Hayoon, the point is...?" I try to redirect her thoughts.

"Right, she started saying how eager the members are to learn English but everyone knows the fastest way to really learn a language is through full immersion, and that's kinda impossible to do when they're on the road 24/7. So, they're looking for a qualified 'teacher' to travel with them." She finishes, out of breath again. Her eyes scanning mine like a barcode. "I may or may not have mentioned you." There it was.

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