Chapter 49

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The sharpness that pierced through her made her lose consciousness. She was now back in her bed, bleeding uncontrollably. This was her punishment, a broken hand and a sharp shooting pain in her stomach. Her eyes began to flatter open, at first it was consumed with darkness but then she began to see outlines. Outlines of figures. There were two people standing in front of her. 'It's probably the workers making sure I'm not doing anything' Rebekah thought to herself. She then decided to shut her eyes and play it off that she was asleep. The thing is she couldn't sleep, she was in too much pain.

'This is why you can't trust girls' She thought to herself again. How can someone not want to leave this place? Claire's betrayal disappointed her. It wasn't long until one of the two figures began to speak.
"What do you have to say to her?" A voice began.
"I'm sorry." Claire says, Rebekah's eyes immediately shoots wide open. The new blonde girl was there. Rebekah's eyebrows furrow in confusion. 'What is going on?' She thought.
"Say it like you mean it." The girl says.
"I'm sorry." Claire sobs.
"I don't believe in your apology." The blonde girls says.

She waves her hand and Claire begins to choke out blood until she dropped to the floor and blended with the whiteness on the floor. The girl waves her hand again and Rebekah's sharp shooting pain disappeared into nothing and her hand went back to normal.
"Thank you." She breathes.
"No problem, let's get out of here." The girl says, they make their way to the front door.
"How can we get out, it's merely impossible." Rebekah says.
"Do you doubt me?" She says.
"No, no I don't." Rebekah says.
"Good." She smirks. Her eyes shut and the door opens wide open, they make their way out and shut the door again.

The girl then places her hand on the spikes of the gate, before pushing it to open. The dolls head turned, when they were in front of the gate, the heads turned back to lock everyone in the house in.
"Who are you?"Rebekah asks.
"Guess." She says.
"Freya." Rebekah breathes.
"In the flesh." Freya says.
"It's great to see you sister." Rebekah says with no doubt in her voice.
"Tell our brothers that I'll be there real soon." She says.

"Where will you be going?" Rebekah asks.
" I got some unfinished business." She says before walking off. Rebekah stood their bewildered and made her way back to the compound.

She knocked on the door and waited for someone to open. Klaus opens the door,
"Eli..." He begins, "Who are you?"
"It's me Nik, Rebekah." She says.
"Rebekah! About time you got back here come in." Klaus says. She beams and comes back in.
"Where have you been?" Klaus asks, "you couldn't call or text."
"I was stuck in a place where damaged witches go you think they'll allow me to have my phone." She says.

"Where's Elijah?" Rebekah asks.
"I'm here." Elijah says stumbling in through the door.
"Are you drunk?" Klaus laughs.
"I just had a rough night and a long flight. I need some rest." Elijah responds, throwing himself on the couch.
"Before you get some rest I have something to tell you guys." Rebekah says.
"Well go on then hurry up, we haven't got all day you know." Klaus says.

"I only got out free because someone helped me." Rebekah says. Elijah groans in frustration.
"Who helped you then Rebekah?" He says.
"Our sister ... Freya."
Klaus bursts into a huge fit of laughter.
"What's so funny?" Rebekah says.
"Freya died way before we were born, she died from the plague. You're being delusional sister." Klaus says.
"I saw her Nik and she told me. I believe her!" Rebekah shouts.

"Rebekah, Freya died." Elijah says.
"She's coming soon anyways go tell her that to her face." Rebekah spits.
"I don't think I will cause she isn't coming." Klaus says.
"She is, her exact words were tell our brothers that I will be there real soon." She says.
"That could've been anyone." Klaus responds.
"I know it was her. You don't have to believe her." Rebekah says before storming off.

"Great now she's in a bad mood." Klaus says. Elijah rolls his eyes.

Samantha's P.O.V

"They're so cute." Valentina begins while holding them.
"So far, they look nothing like you." She continue.
"Geez, thanks for the reminder." I say, rolling my eyes.
"Why did he leave anyways, I was meant to ask." Valentina says.
"Why did Who leave?"I ask.
"Because I compelled him to leave." I say bluntly.
"You What now?"
"I compelled him to leave." She puts down the baby and walks over to me.
"Why would you do that?"

"It's part of my plan." I say.
"You're plan is to have the father of your children leave."
"I told you this plan would be extreme and relax there is a loop hole." I say, avoiding the tense look she gave.
"I'm hoping all this vengeance is really worth it." Valentina says.

"Are you not on my side anymore." I say.
"Of course I'm on your side, it's just that, do you think you can just move on." She says.
"No, they done much more then you realise. They need to pay and they will pay. Plus, Elijah will probably care more about Klaus' child then his own." I say.
"How can you be so sure about that?"
"I am very much sure." I say.

This was just the beginning of my plan and no one could stop me. Once I make my mind up about something, just know it's already done. I don't have time to be sympathetic. The Mikaelsons better be enjoying there last few days because my plan will be coming into full affect soon. After Hayley's child is born, my plan will begin but for now I can continue planning and make adjustments. Oh Mikaelsons, you messed with wrong person.

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