Part 53

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I placed Dominics' coffee cup on his desk and made my way to my desk.

After replaying the events from the elevator in my head, I knew that if I was in Jasmine's shoes I would immediately break up with Dominic.

I didn't like her, and she was a complete and total bitch, but she had her reasons. She felt from the start that I was pushing in on her relationship and she hadn't been wrong.

In hindsight, I felt like a really shitty person because no matter what she thought or said about me before she thought I was sleeping with him, she didn't deserve what she was experiencing.

I honestly don't think I would even stay with the company if the father of my child was my boss and he basically told his mistress that he didn't give a rats ass about me in front of me.

"We have a business lunch to go to this afternoon. Please make plans accordingly," Dominic stated from his desk, his head down as he read over some documents.

"Yes, Sir," I answered.

I emailed Mr. Emerson to confirm he was still coming in tomorrow and proceeded to check through Dominic's emails to update his schedule.

Every once in a while I would glance up at him and watch him work—watch his eyebrows knit together when he was hard in thought, watch his suit jacket fall away from his body when he sat back and stretched, watch as he placed the pen cap between his teeth and bit down.

I hated to admit, even to myself, that he was still so intoxicating.

The only sounds in the room were the scratching of pen on paper and the clicking of keyboard keys. The silence allowed my mind to think about being in a closed confined space with the man across the room from me again.

He still had a pull even though I knew he was wrong for me.

He had tried so hard in the elevator to hold on to me and when he said he wanted to spend the rest of his life learning all there was to know about me, my heart raced.

Why hadn't he tried that hard before when he was all I wanted?

'Because people want what they can't have.'

My phone began ringing and it was Preston.

I looked up and saw Dominic looking over at me with a stern face. I decided to take my chances and answer the call.

"Hey," I said low, trying not to draw any more attention to myself, but in the quiet office, it was impossible.

"Hey, Kitten. What's wrong? I just heard your voicemail. What happened?"

I heard voices on the other end so he must've been walking through the airport.

"Is there some kind of newspaper or magazine stand around you?"

"Uh," he paused, "Yeah. Why?"

"Go get 'The Daily Gossip'."

I heard him chuckled, "That's not really my kind of thing, love."

"Just find one, please. You'll understand why when you see the cover." I pulled the magazine out from under the keyboard and looked at the picture of myself and Preston again.

At least it was a good picture of me even though I was clearly drunk.

"What the fuck," I heard him whisper.

"Yeah," I shut my eyes and twisted a section of my ponytail between my fingers waiting for him to say something more.

I heard him sigh after a moment, "I wouldn't worry about it."

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