chapter 24: Ammu

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As Abhi and Mukti moved towards the dance floor, a girl came and stood in front of them. Seeing the girl the whole group stood up with their mouths opened in a big O of course leaving Nandini. Aryamanm too had that expression not because he knew her but because he was smitten by her. Love at first sight maybe. 😉

"Missed me? " the girl said. Coming out from shock the whole group leaving the two jumped onto her grabbing her in a hug tightly.
"ohk ohk guys I'll die choking , maarna hai kya? ", said the girl. " Amayra!!! What are you doing here kiddo? "

So guys here introducing Amayra Malhotra.
P. S. I've added her character sketch to the extended characters ketch do check it out.

 I've added her character sketch to the extended characters ketch do check it out

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Amayra's attire

"Manik bhai quite calling me kiddo I'm a 26 yr old sexy and hot girl yaar! " "but your height is like a kiddo. Look You're the shortest in our whole group. " Amayra rolled her eyes at him and diverted her attention towards the rest. "Muku bhabhiiiii ," "God!! Not again Ammu, " Amayra showed her cheeky smile to Mutki and then moved to hug her and repeated the same with Abhi. "Bhai yaar tum mere bina apni bachelor's kar rahe ho! How could you?" she asked Abhi cutely before Abhi could answer Manik replied, "because we were having it in a bar and we thought you'll not be granted permission to enter. You know you may have to bring your school Id card. " "Manikkk I'm going to literally kill you. " said a frustrated Amayra. Next she hugged Cabir and whispered in his ears, "Is Navya still not with you? " Cabir gave a fake glare to her bur she royally ignored it and then hugged Navya saying, "how good it is to see you after so long ," Navya smiled at her and said ," sorry I wasn't there last time you came Ammu. " she accepted the apology and moved onto Alya ,hugged her and said, "Alya that lipstick you brought for me last year was awesome! Thank you," " i have one more I'll show you afterwards" they both giggled to each other and she hugged Dhruv too as she knew him because he and Mukti met her once years back. She then noticed Nandini standing behind Manik and looking at her with confused expressions. "Nandini Murthy? Am I right? Oh my goddd!! I can't believe my eyes I am seeing THE Nandini Murthy here. Ma'am you're my inspriration i totally adore you. I mean you came from no where to here I'm so damn happy to meet you ," Nandini smiled at her childish excitement and said, "Thank you so much but I am really not that's all because of the hardwork of my employees and ofcourse Aryaman my support system, " saying this she pointed towards Aryaman. Aryaman , who was already lost in her, took his own time to come out of his world. He looked at her analyzing her beautiful face. Nandini when noticed Aryaman wasn't replying she nudged him with her elbow. Aryaman blinked out of his world and said, "Huhh?" Nandini rolled her eyes and said, "I was telling her that you're my support system," saying this she lightly side hugged him. Aryaman had a full 64 teeth smile. Amayra smiled at their bond and forwarded her hands to Arya. He VERY willingly took it and the sparks that happened were visible to both Nandini and Manik who were keenly looking at both of them. Both of them choose to keep quiet. Nandini pinched the back of Manik's hands. "Ouchhh!! ", shouted Manik. "what happened? " everyone asked. Manik looked at everyone confused. "No...nothing", and then asked Nandini by arching his eyebrows, "what? ", "Who is she? ", "She's Amayra our cousin. We call her Ammu. " Nandini shared this new piece of information with Love stricken Aryaman. Aryaman smiled slightly and slowly repeated, "Amayra".

ANAM CARA || A MaNan Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें