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Chapter Six| Ava

"Let's dance!" I pick up a giggling Lily and sway around.

"Yay!" Lily beams, I look down at Kaden who smiles up at us. "Come join us daddy!" She squeals, he gets up and wraps his arms around the both of us, my breathing hitches.

"Come on, Angel. Let's dance." He winks at me.

The alcohol must be really getting to me because I smile and wrap my arm around him, throwing my head back in laughter.

"You drunk, angel?" Kaden grins down at me.

"No!" I laugh.

"Daddy, whats does drunk mean?" Lily gives him a confused look.

"Ava has had too much wine." He chuckles, I place Lily down and then look up at Kaden, stumbling back a bit so he has to wrap his arms around my waist.

"No, I haven't. Don't listen to him Lily." She just giggles.

"Can we get all the pillows and blankets now?" She jumps up and down in excitement.

"Okay, Princess. You okay getting them yourself or do you need help?" She shakes her head and runs off.

Kaden then walks over to the sofa and pulls it out to create a sofa bed. Lily then comes back dragging blankets in before running off again to get the pillows.

"Angel, you look like you're about to collapse at any minute." Kaden chuckles but I can see a hint of worry on his handsome face.

"I just need to lie down." I slur a little. I shriek when he picks me up and places me on the sofa bed.

"I'll get you some water." He strokes my hair and then walks off to the kitchen. 

A couple minutes later and Lily comes back with the pillows, she sets them up and then stares at me and raises her eyebrows.

"Have I done something wrong?" I frown.

"You're in the corner." She frowns back.

"Is that a problem?"

"You have to be in the middle of the sofa bed." She crawls up and then pulls me into the centre and then she takes my previous spot and drags the duvet over the both of us. I smile when she cuddles up next to me.

Kaden walks in and smiles at the both of us. "Room for me?" He smiles, Lily nods and leans over me to tap the empty space.

He climbs in, making sure he is extra close to me. Kaden grabs the remote and puts a film on, the lights are off so the only source of light is coming from the tv.

My heart begins to race.

Thirty minutes into the film, Lily has already fallen asleep, clutching onto my arm. I feel myself starting to fall asleep but jump when I feel Kaden intertwine his fingers with mine. I look up at him but see he still has his eyes on the tv.

I go to pull my hand away but he tightens it and then rubs his thumb up and down.

"Kaden." I whisper but he shushes me, I just sigh but snuggle up against him.

"You tired, baby?" I slowly nod my head completely ignoring the term of endearment he has given me. I shuffle down the sofa bed so I am laying down flat and wrap my arm around his waist. I rest a hand on his chest and feel his heart beating rapidly. "Fuck! What are you doing to me?" He whispers, more so to himself.

I smile and then slowly fall asleep.


I slowly open my eyes and come face to face with a sleeping Lily. I then freeze when I feel a body pressed up behind me and arms around myself and Lily. The last thing to register with me is the pounding headache caused by too much wine last night.

I awkwardly turn my head and see Kaden asleep — his hair falling out of his man bun. I shift a little and his arms tighten. "Ava." He whispers, still asleep and I feel his hardness rub against me.

Oh my God.

I try to get up again but Lily decides to wake up. "Go'morning Avey." She happily mumbles and wraps her arms around my neck.

"Morning, sweetie." I just give up and lay back down. She smiles brightly. I then hear a yawn behind me.

"Morning." Kaden rasps in my ear. I climb out of his arms and watch him groan at the loss of contact. "Come back." He grumbles.

I get up and look for my shoes. "I'm sorry if I drank too much last night." I stumble about and look at Lily and Kaden watching me in amusement.

"You were drunk, daddy said." Lily giggles. "You are funny."

"Come lay back down, Angel." He pats the empty space and I shake my head.

"I should get back home, I'm still looking for jobs." Kaden shakes his head.

"What do you mean you are looking for jobs, you babysit my daughter." He says like it's nothing.

Like he didn't just fire me a couple days ago.

"You said to me...."

"And I regret it." He interrupts. "Princess, go brush your teeth and get ready." He helps her down from the sofa bed and she runs off.

"I really should go."

"Sit with me." I hesitate at first but oblige. "You are the best thing that has happened to me for a while." He moves closer and strokes my cheek. "Having you in my arms last night has opened a new door for me and I don't think I can ignore that." He closes his eyes and then slowly opens them again.

"Kaden, what are you saying?" I tilt my head, my heart racing one hundred miles per hour. He shakes his head and looks away but I reach up and turn his head so he is looking at me again. "Tell me."

"You are so beautiful and you make not only me but my daughter happy. She has never been this happy before, she looks up to you so much. Hiring you as my daughter's babysitter has made me realise how much I need someone by my side, someone to help raise my beautiful little girl." He reaches out to hold both of my hands.

"I didn't realise I had that much of an effect on you." I smile nervously, he leans in closer to me.

"I want you Ava."

Then he kisses me.


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