-----> my two best friends: chapter eight

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The gentle morning breeze lightly curves around my body. Up ahead of me I see the building of UA High. Many students are already entering the gates from afar. I quicken my pace until I reach the massive gates. I walk through admiring the schools features and all of the students that are here to try out. I accidentally bump into someone which causes them to fall. I quickly grab their arm and spin them up right.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry... Izuku?" I slowly trail off. He stares at me, eyes widen. He looks so different, well besides his hair and his eyes. His body is built and he is now shorter than me. His curly green hair naturally holds it place and his eyes are bold as ever.

"(y/n)? Is that really you?" He whispers letting his eyes well up in tears. I nod my head letting myself naturally pull him into a tight hug, which he returns even tighter.

"Oh my god. I finally get to see you again." I whisper in shock. I feel his body slightly shake and little sniffles escaping him.

"Where have you been all these years? I've never seen you, heard from you. I thought you just disappeared." He sobs. I sigh letting all this information get cramped in my head.

"It's a long story, but to cut it short I went to this special facility that helps with unique quirks. I couldn't leave or contact anyone from outside the facility besides my parents." I say to him. I slowly pull away from Izuku and wipe a tear from his cheek.

"I wish I could have contacted you, but they didn't allow it." I sadly admit. He shakes his head in defence.

"No it okay. I'm just glad that I get to see you again." He replies happily. I show off a little smile.

"How have you been? What have you done since I was away? Have you gotten a quirk?" I fire at him.

"Uh, school was a bit rough, Kacchan always seemed to pick on me throughout the years after you left, but it's okay." He answers nervously.

"Who's Kacchan?" I question in wonder.

"Oh yeah, Kacchan is what I call Bakugou. He calls me Deku as a way to pick on me." He retorts rubbing the back of his neck. My body tenses over his name.

"Is he here?" I ask desperately. Before he let any words out of his mouth, a familiar voice booms through my ears that sent shivers up my spine, and anger through my ears.

"Move out the way Deku." I hear him growl. Izuku stutters and starts to sweat. His footsteps get louder and louder behind me.

"Who the fuck are you?" He spits stopping behind me. I see Izuku's face grow worried and scared. I feel his hot stare at the back of my head. I spin around letting myself see him after all of these years. Both of our eyes dilate, our breathing stops. His glowing red eyes shoot right through mine. He has grown up to just pass my height, his spiky blond hair is still the same and his body is visibly built and flawless.

"Let's go Izuku." I mutter grabbing his wrist and pulling him inside. I regain my composure and stare back outside where I couldn't see him.

"Well that answered my question." I sigh harshly.

"Come on, lets go to the room so we aren't late." He decides changing the subject. I follow him into this massive room where hundreds of people are already sitting. We both find a seat and sit down. After several minutes I notice Bakugou approaching us from afar. I keep my gaze away from him until he sat right in front of us.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." I mutter angrily. I see President Mic come strolling out making a dramatic entrance. He makes a poor start trying to say a joke that no one laughs to. I cringe at the awkwardness filling the air.

He quickly gets onto the rules and idea of the test. There're four types of robots all of them worth points from zero to three. We had a short amount of time to destroy as many robots as we could. Everyone got dismissed and sent to the arenas. Izuku and I walk to our arena that was assigned for us and wait for the doors to open. I hear a ruckus in the crowd of people in front of us. The voices are male and words that would be used in insults instantly made me think of one person out of the lot.

"Oh god please don't tell me we got the unstable bomb in this arena." I groan unhappily. Izuku just laughs nervously saying that it was him.

I push my way to the front where I notice the gates start to slightly open. My eyes snap and my body takes over. I slip through the crack and start sprinting into the arena.

"Would you look at that, (y/n) Hakai seems to know our little trick, this is a fighting battle, you won't get told to start a fight, go!" President Mic leads loudly through the mic. I hear explosions get louder and louder from behind me.

"You bitch!" Bakugou yells. I scoff and take a sharp left down an alleyway onto the next street. All around me are robots creeping closer towards me. I inhale all the air I could and turn my body in a full circle letting out an ear-piercing scream. Every single robot gets obliterated in an instant.

"Wow, Hakai manages to wipe out a decent twenty points worth of robots in one scream? Amazing!" President Mic commentates excitedly. I hum happily and sprint off onto another street ready to fight.

"You've got two minutes left!" I hear President Mic yell. I wipe the cold sweat dripping down my face and glance around for any other robots. The ground grew dark and the light gets cut off by something massive and loud. I shoot my body around and freeze in awe.

"That's a zero-point robot!" I gasp in disbelief. It was higher than all these buildings. I run somewhere to hide until I have enough energy to destroy it. A monster robot like that needs extreme strength to kill it in one go.

I watch a flash on hot green lightning blaze down the street and boost up into the air. I squint in eyes noticing it was Izuku. He brings his arm back and punches the robot square in the face. The robot breaks and gets sent flying backwards to the ground. Izuku starts to fall with his arms and legs broken and swollen purple. A girl trapped under rubble activates her quirk and makes Izuku land somewhat safely without much harm.

"Time's up!" President Mic declares. I dash over to the girl and Izuku in a heart beat to check if they are alright.

"Are you okay?" I ask the girl with short brown hair.

"My legs are trapped." She grunts. I use my quirk to lift off the rubble from the legs and let her wiggle our free.

"Thanks." She replies leaning against my side. I help both Izuku and the girl to the nurses office where that got healed quickly.

"Hey, what's your name?" I ask her.

"I'm Ochaco Uraraka." She perks up happily. Her smile is so warm and bubbly. "What's your name?"

"(y/n) Hakai." I respond slowly letting my face drop. Hakai...

"Thanks for helping me out again." She sweetly says. I show her a little smile in return.

"It's no problem. Hope I see you at this school." I say to her before exiting the nurses office where both Uraraka and Izuku were staying.

I barge through my apartment closing the door roughly behind me. Jaylin pokes his head out from the corridor before showing his whole figure.

"How'd it go? I'm guessing not the best due to your little outbreak?" He assumes pointing to the door.

"No it was fine; I just saw someone that I didn't want to see." I annoyingly reply walking into the kitchen for some food.


"You remember the story about my life before I got sent to the facility, well I saw that Katsuki Bakugou also took the exam." I tell him. He mutters something that I didn't catch, but I was too hungry to think or ask.

"Did he see you?"

"Yep, literally in the first five minutes we were standing a meter apart. I wanted to just yell at him." I answer bitterly.

"Do you think he'll make it in?" Jaylin quizzes. I close the fridge and place the fruit I picked out onto the kitchen bench. I exhale deeply and grab a knife.

"I don't think he got in." I say turning my eyes to Jaylin.

"I know he got in."

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