Chapter 9

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Girls Dormitories, Remi's room

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Girls Dormitories, Remi's room

"What?!" Shouted John and Sera simultaneously

'Superhero? Why the fuck does she even pursue Ember in the first place?' 

John thought. It was just plain stupid. You would think that from all these bizarre news regarding Ember, would make you not want to become one 

"Why did you decide to become a superhero? Did you read the book called Unordinary by any chance?" Asked Sera full of worry. It was like reading that book was the first step as a superhero. Because most of the vigilantes has read it before

"N-No... that's not the reason why I became a superhero. The reason was because I believe the one that killed my brother is Ember... He was also a superhero, and he did read the book" Said Remi

"W-what? You're kidding!?" Said Sera surprised

'Remi's brother was already dead? That means...'  John suddenly remembered what he said to Remi about her brother before

"As far as I can tell your brother is just as useless... Your brother can go to hell for all I care!" 

John sighed. He felt terrible learning the fact. He didn't know that her brother wasn't alive anymore. And he was also influenced by the book, just like John was. 

John was so influenced by the book that he tried so hard to see the worth in all other people. But to no avail, he was left disappointed. Everyone in this school is everything but 'worth'.

Did Sera also get influenced by the book? She DID say that the interview with Keon that she had went pretty bad. But why didn't she get a month long suspension this time? Or even worse?

"Remi... If only I have my ability back. I would definitely help you avenge your brother" Said Sera

"W-What? You actually want to help me pursue Ember? That's the complete opposite of what Arlo would say"

"The thing is... Me and John also read Unordinary. And we agree about the books ideals... For all this time, I took my power all for granted. I didn't do anything to contribute to the society. John... Why don't you help Remi avenge her brother?" Sera asked genuinely

"What?! No way! I don't even agree to the books ideals in the first place, nor do I want to help Remi avenge her brother!"

"What? You don't remember how you admired the ideals that was written in this book?"

 Sera was right. A few months later since both of them became friends, John was so devoted to the books ideals. So much so that he repeatedly read the book over many times. Hearing him say that he doesn't agree with it anymore, really speaks of how much he has changed

"John really used to think that way?" Remi asked in disbelieve

"Yeah... he was so open about as well. Even though it was supposed to be held as a secret" 

'Ugh... what was I thinking back then? Even just thinking of becoming a superhero makes me sick right now'  John thought

"Sera... you really want to become a superhero if you have your powers back?" John asked. He couldn't believe it. They both had a massive change of heart over these past couple of months.

Sera answered without any hesitation "Yeah... hundred percent" Sera gave off a bright smile

It was ironic. Maybe they both didn't change... maybe it was just their personalities that have been switched. John ended up agreeing to Sera, still full of doubts about the stupid decision that he is making

"Fine... But I'm only doing this because you asked me to"

"Y-you're actually going to help me John? Then... Let's go tomorrow! I'll contact Blyke and Isen right no-" Remi got cut out from her extreme excitement

"No fucking way! Those two idiots are not coming with us. Period"

Sera was shocked. She had no idea that John hates Blyke and Isen that much

"John, You okay? Remi, it's fine. Don't let Blyke and Isen join you" 

John sighed 'Why did I scream? How did I forget that Sera is here as well? Hearing those two names being mentioned is already enough to make me fuming'


*Joker The New King - Ch 9 End*

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