Aunthor's note 1.0

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Aye yo guys. Asalam o Alaikum to you all. 

I hereby, officially welcome you all to my very first venture in literature and wattpad. Also I want to thank you all for picking up this book.

This book has Muslims main leads but does not represent Islam. I repeat MY BOOK DOES NOT REPRESENT ISLAM. I want people of every culture and ethnicity to enjoy this book to the fullest. This book is to be read and enjoyed only.

I would like to put a note here too that i do not support the male chauvinism the male lead has and that will get better with each chapter. Till then, try to bear with me. 


Riday <3  

Trigger Warning:
Some scenes of this book would be found as downright regressive but it does not mean that I as a person support those ideas. It's just to put out to the world that these kinds of things ARE taking place around the world and in some places (especially south and east Asia) you can not stand up against them because of the religion and traditions. 

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