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THIS ONE IS FOR @sweetmahnoor12



I waited for her reply but it didn't come. Instead, I saw her rushing through the glass doors of the library. She looked pale as she looked around through the faces. I raised my hand to get her attention. She rushed towards me and took my hand. 

"We need to talk." Why is everyone saying that?

I nodded and pulled out the charger from my phone before following her out. When we walked past the library doors she grabbed my wrist and started walking faster. 

"Hey, Kat, you're making me worried," I said nervously as we passed a group of students. 

She didn't reply as she dragged me behind her. 

"Kat," I called but she didn't stop until we reached the gates of campus. 

"Fatima, I have something important to say, you-" She began to speak but was interrupted. 
"Hi Katherine," I turned upon hearing Eric's friendly voice. "Oh Hi Fatima, you're here too?" He said looking at me. 

"Yeah, we came out to talk," I smiled at him, glad that he was not being as cold as in the morning. 
"Oh, I just wanted to let Katherine know that the class is starting in five minutes." His lab coat was hanging over his forearm. 
"Oh okay," I said. 
"So are you coming?" Eric said looking at Katherine. 

I looked at Katherine and saw the paled face of hers. 

"Are you okay?" I said looking at her. 
"Ye-yes," She said, "I'll meet you after the class," She said and walked away with Eric who turned and waved at me. I waved back although my mind was all over the place. 

Something is off. I thought.

I went back to the library and sat down. I pulled the notebook closer and tried to write but my mind kept wandering off to what happened just now. 

Something strange? 

My phone vibrated, bringing my attention back to it. 


Seeing his name brought a little smile to my face. 

I picked up my phone and walked outside the library. 

"Hello?" I said picking up the phone. 
"Hi," His groggy voice came through the phone. 
"How are you?" I said shyly. 

Oh, come on! You're not sixteen anymore!

"I am good, how are you?" His voice sounded tired. 
"I am fine thank you," I said. 
"Did you eat anything?" He asked. 
"Yeah," I lied. 
"Don't lie. I know you skipped breakfast." He said. 

What in the world? 

"How?" I just managed to say. 
"I was testing you." He said. "Go eat something," he added. 
"I will," I said sitting down on one of the benches installed right outside the library. 
"No, go, and eat now." He said. 
"I will eat when I feel like eating," I said defiantly, just wanting to tease him.
"Don't make me come all the way back." He said. 
"You sound like you're my mom," I laughed. 
"That's because you're acting like a child," He said. 
"Okay, I am going to eat," I said standing up. "Give me a minute, I need to take my things from the library," I said. 
"It's okay, I'll be on the line." He said. 

I quickly cleared my stuff and walked out with my backpack on my back. 

"Did you eat?" I asked him when I placed the phone back on my ear after stepping out of the library.
"Yes, I did." He said. 
"Then go and have dinner, it must be night already in Turkey," I said walking towards the cafeteria. 
"The sun is yet to set." He replied. 
"Is it beautiful?" I asked. 

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