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Ahmed took my hand and took me back to the hall. He made me sit on the couch and took out his phone. He dialed a number on his phone and waited as the bell rang with one hand on the hips. I felt like a child whose mother was disappointed in her, and guess just who is playing my mother. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's none other than Mr. Ahmed Ali Rizvi, the mother goose.

He kept down his phone and looked at me.

"Next time, if you're out with me, notify me if you're going somewhere." He told me in a fatherly tone.
"Okay... Dad." I said the latter in a low tone. We are silent, I was scowling on the couch and he was on the phone with someone. I mean I did go to the washroom without telling him but what's the big deal? It was an emergency. I saw William and Edward coming towards us.

"Fatima, couldn't you tell us where you were actually going? It's not like we would have followed you inside the washroom. I got scolded for no reason." Edward pouted. Gosh, this annoying child.
"He is right Miss. You should have been honest." William said shaking his head.
"Do you know what kind of people are here? They are drunk they could do anything." Ahmed also joined them.

"God, I am sorry okay? Jeez." I said loudly. They all went quiet but their gaze still reprimanded me. Ahmed just shook his head.

"We will leave first." Ahmed said as he extended his hand to shake with William and then with Edward.

I was glad that we were leaving. I hated in there, except for few minutes that Ahmed was civil to me. We said goodbye to Francis, thank God for that, and then we sat in the car and boom! Out of that awful place. I mean it was beautiful, really, but did I want to go back? No. Never.

When we reached home I went first to Zulekha Aunty to tell her that I was back and then directly to my room to change. And guess what I took off first. A little cookie for you if you said those God awful heels. Yes, I took them off and threw them behind me. I didn't care. And I cannot explain the feeling when my cramped feet were finally set free for good. I wiggled my toes feeling free. Who invented heels in the first place? Idiot, he must be because this is not what a normal person would want to wear.

I took out a sweatshirt and pants from the closet and then started to shed my clothes and that's when I noticed, my sanitary pad was drenched in blood. I gasped at the sight of the blood. It wasn't past two hours since I put it on. I changed the napkin and removed my makeup. A strange feeling took over me as I walked to my bad. My thighs were trembling. I don't know why it was happening, I mean the pain was much worse this time and the bleeding is way too much but is it only because this was belated or maybe I need to consult a gynecologist. I thought laying down straight on the bed. I clutched my abdomen as cramps punched me again. I pulled my knees into my chest and stayed in a fetal position to make the pain go away. It did go away but like after fifteen minutes or so. I wiped the sweat that had beaded on my forehead with my sleeve and sat up. The pain was still there and made itself known with every movement but how long could I stay in that position?

I winced when I stood up but I needed to do something about the pain, I needed a hot pack. I grabbed a sock from my closet and went downstairs. I looked at the clock on the wall which told me that it was one in the morning already. I winced. Well, at least I don't have to wake up for fajr. I thought walking into the kitchen. I knew that Zulekha Aunty and Muhammad Uncle would be sleeping because they have to wake up early in the morning and Gul sleeps in his room outside the house so I did not bother with the hijab. Not that I could think very clearly but it occurred to me halfway down the stairs and going back up was too painful so I thought that it doesn't matter.

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