1.9K 91 56

I pulled the lab coat over my scrubs and heaved a sigh. 

Today was going to be a long day running after Surgeon Carter in St. Lawrence Hospital. 

He was in his mid-fifties with salt and pepper hair. He wore gold plated framed big glasses and glared at everyone, especially us students. He would prove you wrong and then say exactly what you said saying that it is right. 

In short, he was old and grumpy and waiting for his retirement. The batch that studies here, after that would be luckier than me because this man doesn't fail to test everyone's patience

Why is it so hard to become a doctor?! 

"Fatima, Surgeon Carter won't appreciate waiting." It was Jacinta. 
"Thanks, Jacinta," I said putting the stethoscope on my shoulders. 

I followed her out and saw that a group of students was already gathered in the corridor. 

"Doctor Zaidi," Surgeon Carter's icy voice cut through the air. 
"Yes?" I said looking for his face. He was walking towards me.
"Do you have any diagnosis for Patient 05 in ward number 9?" He asked as he fixed his glasses. 
"For Alex?" I said taking the name of the nine-year-old who was just recently admitted. 
"Yes," He said irritated.
"Sir, it's Malaria," I said. 
"How do you know that?" He narrowed his eyes at me. 
"Sir the very obvious symptom is his recurrent fever spells," I said. 
"Just that?" 
"No sir, his RBCs are dropping in number as well," I said. 

He laughed scornfully. 

"These morons," I heard him mutter. 

Okay, wasn't expecting that but okay. I thought.

Few weeks till exams and I will be a doctor! I thought excitedly. 

After a whole day of running behind Surgeons and doctors and wards, I was finally free to go home and shut my eyes.

I called Katherine when I stepped out of the hospital. I had my lab coat hanging over my arm and scrubs were already stuffed in my bag. 

It rang about a few times before she picked up. 

"Hello," Her voice came through as she picked up the phone. 
"Hello Katherine, are you free?" I asked. 
"Well, I am sitting in the parking lot of South Hospital, ready to go to the hostel." She replied. 
"Do you have any plans? Is Edward with you?" I asked. 
"Edward is... wait don't you know?" She asked. 
"What do I not know?" I asked her. 
"Nothing," she said rather quickly, raising my suspicion. "How about I pick you up and let's have shopping and then dinner?" She suggested. 
"You will take about 30 minutes to get here, how about I take a ride to the mall and we meet there? It will take like fifteen to twenty minutes." I suggested. 
"Okay, whatever is feasible to you," she said. 
"See you at Mall, Insha Allah," I said. 
"Insha Allah." She said and hung up. 

Yes, my white, Canadian, catholic lineage friend said Insha Allah because I am rubbing off on her. She says these terms because I do. Cute right?

We met at the Mall and hung around each other. 

"So... did he call?" She asked as I picked out a jeans jacket from the rack. Again with the same question. I groaned inwardly. 
"I don't want to talk about it," I said checking the price tag, $120! 

"Come on!" Katherine said. 
"Of course he didn't!" I said louder than I intended. 

Katherine looked hurt but then covered it quickly. 

"I am sorry," I whispered. "It's just a sensitive topic," I said. 
"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked. "Maybe talking would do you good?" 

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