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Do you imagine if the seven deadly sins were people then what would they look like? Well not sure about the other six but Ahmed Ali Rizvi was born to play lust. He was a man that could make Aphrodite drool. He could be adorable yet extremely seductive. Never in his life had he experienced a woman that said no to him. Saying no is a second discussion, bedding him was seen as an honor during his high school and college days. But all of this apart, Mr. Ahmed Ali Rizvi was also famous for two more things. His stubbornness and his cunning brain. If there was something or someone he wanted, he would get it, there was no rest until he had achieved it. 


She sat with her head on her knees as her empty plate was kept by her side next to her phone. She looked out to the sky and sighed. She knew that living alone meant inviting the evils to yourself but she loved how independent that made her feel. The screen of her phone glowed as it vibrated. She turned her attention to it and picked it up. Her brown complexion shone in the blue light of the phone. She smiled as she checked the caller ID.

"Asalam O Alaikum, how are you?" She said in a joyful voice. She listened to what the person had to say.
"Where? Kentucky? Has he lost his mind? What would I be doing there?" She placed her hand on her forehead.
"Isn't it obvious where I would be?" Is he blind? Oh my god." She said pinching the corners of her eyes.
"Thanks. Yes, everything is good here. Okay, I will call you back."

She disconnected the call and stood up, taking the plate and phone with her.

She didn't know whether she should be laughing or crying. She wanted to laugh at how stupid her husband was being but also wanted to cry at how she had overestimated him.

She washed her dishes and went to the mattress laid in the room. She had laid a sheet on it. She laid her head on the pillow and stared at the ceiling.

Looks like it's going to take longer than I thought.


The sun was shining in Kentucky, the warm air of summer was blowing.

Outside a hotel, people were walking around with their family, few couples were also there. There was laughter coming from group of young people. Everyone was having times of their lives except for one person: Ahmed Ali Rizvi.

He sat outside the hotel on the bench, he was seething with anger. Imran stood behind him as he sat on the bench outside hotel. His crutches were lying beside him. He was staring into the space. He closed his eyes and leaned back.
"Sir?" Imran said holding files in one hand.
"Hmm." He replied with his eyes closed.
"Should I book a flight back home?"
"Sir, where are you planning to stay till then?" He opened his eyes.
"I just want to be alone right now. I will call you when I feel better." He said looking forward.
"Okay sir." Imran said and then walked away.

He stayed there staring at the sun. His eyes were filled with sorrow. He held his crutches stood up and started walking. The destination, he knew not, but he knew that he had to keep moving.

He wanted to go faster and faster but his legs held him back. He wanted to be with her, by her side.

His crutches lost their footing and he fell on the pavement. People walked past him without noticing. The sun was now golden peeking through the gap between the buildings across the road. It was minutes before sunset.

"Where are you? Where are you?" He kept saying back and forth.

"Please come back. I swear there will be no secrets this time."

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