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I was sitting on my writing desk studying for upcoming exams. I had text books open, my macbook open and Katherine was sleeping despite the fact that I called her so many times. Studying alone was never a thing for me. I would always get demotivated and would close the books or worse open Facebook and start laughing on memes like a maniac. I laugh so bad sometimes I forget to breath and it's just me moving back and forth while slapping my thighs in silence. And that's what I was doing when my subconscious scolded me for taking advantage of Katherine's absence. So I returned to my Anatomy textbook trying to memorize names and articulation of skeletal muscles.

I picked up water bottle from the side and realized that it was empty. I sighed.

Great now I have to go down there and get another bottle.

I dragged my feet to the door and opened it but what awaited me on the other side shocked. The whole house was on fire. How did I not notice? I panicked trying to find a way out of this burning building. The heat was making my face burn and the smoke was making me choke. I tried covering my mouth with my hand but it didn't make it better.

I tried to call for Zulekha Aunty, Muhammad Uncle, Shamim Aunty and even Gul but I got no response. I screamed as loud as I could but still no sound. It was just crackling of wood of my door and roaring on flames. I hardly made it to downstairs and looked for anyone that was inside but no answer came so I did what I thought was better and that was heading out of that burning place.

I tried rushing out of the house with as much energy as I had. My lungs started to feel as if stones were placed in them as every muscle of my body screamed for oxygen. My sides were cramping. I stumbled out of the house. I was wheezing and coughing to breathe as I looked for a support to stand.

"Took you long enough." I heard a voice. I looked up to see the source of the voice and caught eyes of Ahmed Ali Rizvi instead.

I snapped my eyes open, the cold room chilling my bones.

It was just a dream, it was just a dream. I told myself placing my palm on my racing heart trying to slow down my pulse rate. You're thinking too much. As long as you avoid him, it's okay. I said looking for water but found the bottle empty.

My throat went dry. What if it a premonition? It was awfully eerie, the way my reality was similar to a nightmare that I just had. A shiver ran down my spine. What if he makes everyone apart from me evacuate and then light the house up just to get back at me about what I said to him at the wedding? Was he really maniac of this level? Could he do that? Screw that, of course he can do that the real question is would he do that? I shivered.

I stood up and grabbed the bottle and rushed downstairs and ran back up with the new bottle. I locked the room door and placed my palm on my chest as I panted. I wiped the little sweat that had accumulated on my forehead with back of my palm and dragged myself to the study table. I slumped down on the chair and heaved a sigh.

These nightmares would really be death of me. One day I will just have a heart attack in midst of these and bam! Dead. I thought massaging the back of my neck. Definitely shouldn't have slept with the head down on the table.

I was doing that only when my phone rang. I looked at it and realized that it was my alarm for Fajr.

I groaned.

Time to get up and start another day of studying my neurons out then come back home and try to relax but have those god awful nightmares and then run away from sleep but also be tired as hell with life. Wow. I thought sarcastically as I made my way to the washroom for wudhu.

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