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Beautiful, isn't it? How our mind keeps on playing one specific memory that you are putting all your sweat and blood in to forget

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Beautiful, isn't it? How our mind keeps on playing one specific memory that you are putting all your sweat and blood in to forget. You go through the day avoiding them and you close your eyes on the bed running from them but as soon as your consciousness let loose, your mind dives right back into the bottomless pit of the darkness and misery.  Even as you are waking up, they are clawing at the face of your present. In the words of  Jhon Irving "Of all things you choose in life, you don't get to choose your nightmares. You don't pick them; they pick you."

"Sarah, you wore my clothes again? What is wrong with you? A normal person would have the decency of asking before practically hijacking my stuff. It is my favorite shirt. Please give it back" I was on the verge of pulling my hair out of the roots. The audacity of this person that people want me to call Api. Sure she may be like five years older than me but she will always be Sarah to me. I don't like the formality that the word Api has.

Sarah rolled her eyes and I lost my self-control. How dare she?

"I am getting late. So yeah, farewell for now dear flower." She blew me a kiss as if I am not shaking with fury as we speak. Who did she call flower?

"MAMAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" I screamed. She really has pushed me to my limits.

"Yes, Fatima!" Mama screams back as I follow Sarah down the staircase. Wiping her hands in a napkin, Mama emerges from the kitchen. Except for sleeping, she spends the rest of her day there. I wish she would spend some time on herself too. I thought as I looked at her silvering hair roots amid her charcoal black.

"Mama, Sarah wore my new shirt and is not taking it off." I charged against Sarah. Mom looks at Sarah from head to toe and smiled. What is there to smile about? I was losing the last brain cell I had.

"You look great, Masha Allah. Let me get an egg for the sadaqah." Mama replied. There it went, my brain cell, exploded in the air.

My jaw did not just drop. No, no, no, no. It freaking broke.

"What?! Are you going to let her go? In my freaking Kurti, that I bought from my freaking money? Really? It is Khaadi Mama. Khaadi." I said stressing on the name of the brand because apparently she was not understanding the fact that for a poor person like me it was very expensive. And to let Sarah ho out in that? Never, hold my effin chai.

"Thanks," Sarah replied with tossing her black long her back and smirking at me. She sniffed haughtily as she walked in the kitchen following Mama.

"Either you are changing into your own clothes or I am going to call Khizer Bhai and tell him that it was you that deleted his game from his phone and therefore ruined his hard-earned high score," I said crossing my hands over my chest.
"If you think being petty would make me change then you are wrong Kachra Rani."

"Fatima. Stop being immature. She is elder than you, respect her."

"But I haven't even worn this once." I cried.

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