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I sat in the tub, as my head leaned on the walls of the tub. I stared at the ceiling trying to find answers to the riddles that my life was playing but the ceiling didn't give any hint so I closed my eyes and tried to dissolve my worries with the bath bomb.

The office scene kept playing in my head.

I stared at him, stepping back as he stepped forward. My back hit the wall and realization of being trapped hit me. Confusion made way for fear to settle in.

"Wh-what d-do you mean?" I said trying to feign confidence.
"You will come to know it soon." He smiled and patted my cheek, I swatted his hand away. He looked at me with narrowed eyes but before I could say anything to him he placed his hands in his pockets and stepped away.

"For now this is more than enough for you to know." He said smirking at me.

Despite his playful gestures he seemed so cold and stiff. His eyes were the eyes of satan.

"I. Want. You." His voice kept whispering in my ears. I snapped open my eyes and looked around. I was still in the washroom. I sighed and slumped my shoulders.

A week had already passed after this encounter yet I could still not forget it. My mind kept replaying it though my heart wanted to shun the memory far far away.

I stepped out of the tub and wrapped a towel around my body. I ran a hot shower to wash away soap from my body. Weird I know but I cannot stand the feeling of soap and oils on my body. I just don't feel 'clean' if I know I still have soap on my body.

I washed my body and hair before picking up my bath robe because I felt that the towel had soap on it.

These words kept playing in my head like a broken record.

What does that mean? His eyes looked so evil when he said that. A shiver ran down my spine remembering how cold his eyes were.

I stepped out of shower, fastening the bath robe around my waist. I flipped my hair and wrapped dupatta around my head, dabbing it to dry my hair

"I want you." I heard a voice too familiar in my ears. I felt my heart drop.

I whipped my head around to see pair of black eyes looking into mine. I was about to scream my lungs our when it disintegrated in thin air however whispers were still ringing in my ears.

I turned back to mirror to see cold sweat beaded on my forehead. I gripped the edges of sink tightly to support my body. I gulped trying to get a hold of myself. You're thinking too much. What's most that he'll do? Everything will be fine as long as you avoid him. You'll be fine. You'll be fine. I told myself as I took deep breaths.

I pulled tissues from the box that sat on the sink and dapped on my forehead to absorb the cold sweat accumulated there.

I leaned against the wall and tried to relax.

I tried to regulate my heartbeat by placing my palm on my heart and breathing deeply. I was getting vibes that something unpleasant is about to happen. I just hoped that I was only over analyzing everything.

I blow dried my hair quickly as today it was some sort of lunchfor which Aunty had called the guests. Her friends from Kitty Party and her cooking club were also coming. I picked out my white chickenkari maxi dress with my colorful chunari styled dupatta. Nafisa Khala had sent this from Pakistan and I know from the name of brand that it came with a hefty price tag for a chickenkari dress.

I pulled my now dried hair into a bun and started to look for a hijab to match.

I was doing that when my room door was knocked. My breath got stuck in my chest as my throat ran dry. My heart immediately started beating as if I had just ran a marathon. My palms got sweaty and my throat felt as if someone was strangling me. My mind was running possibilities that who could be behind that door.

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