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After my engagement, the world around me started to change. The first change was the fact that Zulekha Aunty had told me to call her "Mom" "Mama" "Mother" whatever suits my taste. It felt weird, I'll tell you that. I mean I was so used to calling her Aunty that saying "Mom" made my tongue roll.  But I got hang of it and naturally, Muhammad Uncle became "Dad". 

The first day to Med School after the engagement felt weird too. There were women who were eyeing my ring as if a thirsty person eyes water. I wanted to take it off and keep it in my purse but Katherine interjected and made sure every five minutes that the ring was still on. 

I was afraid of the evil eye that could be cast on me by them. What? I am an Eastern woman. The evil eye is as real to me as the sun and moon. 

After the class, I was keeping my stuff in my bag when a group of girls approached me. Katherine and I are usually the last to leave because I like to avoid crowds. Thus when they came and stood next to my seat I was shocked. 

I looked up towards them and smiled out of courtesy. It was Tali with her friends. They were the social butterflies of our class. They knew everyone and everyone knew them. They were popular but not hurtful or insensitive. They were always intrigued by other people's business so I head purposefully stopped hanging out with them but they were not bad or evil.

"Hi, Fatima?" She sounded unsure about her own words. 
"Hi Tali," I replied as I picked up my books. 
"What are you doing this weekend?" She asked me. 
"I have things to do but why are you asking?" I smiled at her. 
"We were planning to go to this grill diner so I wanted to ask if you'd come." She said. 
"Oh... I am afraid I won't be able to come, I am sorry." I gave her an apologetic smile and stood up. 
"It's okay actually... What a pretty ring!" She said looking at my hand which was holding books. "Can I look at it?" She said. 

I nodded and held books in my right hand before extending my left hand towards her. 

"Oh my god! It's a pink diamond! It's so pretty." She said excitedly. I couldn't help but whisper Masha Allah O La Hawla Wala Quwata Illa billah.
"You bought it?" She was feigning obliviousness I knew but still, I shook my head. 
"It's my engagement ring," I stated. Her eyes went wide with fake surprise. 
"Really? Congratulations!" She exclaimed. 
"Thanks," I said and took back my hand. "See you," I said before leaving the room with Katherine.

We sat in the library and I opened my book. 

"Psst." I heard Katherine and looked up. "They wanted to-" I nodded. "You knew!" She said in a loud voice. People around us gave us disapproving looks. We gave an apologetic smile before continuing our discussion. 

"There is no harm in letting them know." I whispered. "besides, it doesn't even matter that much." I added. She looked at me and then shook her head. 
"You're stupid." She said and got back to her book. 

We headed out to the cafeteria to grab a snack. 

I saw Tali's group standing there. They had their backs towards me but I recognized them. Katherine was buying snacks when I heard what they were talking about. 

"It's a pink diamond ya'll." I heard a girl's voice. "It probably worths more than all of our bank accounts." She sounded sad. 
"She has probably gotten herself a billionaire." Another voice came. That's true. 
"Someone tell me from where can I get one of those so I don't have to work my nerves." Everyone laughed at that comment.
"I still cannot believe that she got engaged. What's her age? twenty-two?" It was Elif's voice. 
"Common ya'll, she probably isn't as lucky as you think." It was Tali's voice. 

Everyone went Silent. Katherine turned to me and raised a brow. I shook my head as Tali began to speak again. 

"I mean look at this, she is young and judging from that ring, the man who gave her that must be in his forties to afford that. And her guardians probably forced her. She didn't look excited when she told me about it." Tali paused. "Her guardians must have forced her. I mean she doesn't have parents who could defend her. They probably sold her off to a rich man for connections and you all are sitting here envying her when you all should be pitying her." She added. 

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