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"So can you help me with this?" I asked. 
"I don't know... This might backfire really bad," Zulekha Aunty said. 
"Trust me, it will not," I reassured her. 
"You know it very clear that I cannot say no to you." She gave me a defeated look. 

I placed my arms around her. 

"That is why I love you so much," I said rubbing my cheeks against hers. 
"I love you too, now get off, I need to leave." She said patting on my arms. 

I kissed her cheek and waved her bye. 

Time to put my plan into action. I thought after closing the door behind her. 

I reached my room and picked up my phone from my bed. 

I need to talk to you. 

I typed and sent the text. 

Is it urgent? Is everything fine at home?
How is Dad?

Came the reply. What to say now? I thought. 

No, it's not. I just wanted to hang out. Everything 
is fine.
It's just that I have been in the house for a few days so 
I wanted to just go out. I intended to ask if you wanted to 
join me or not but you're probably busy. Sorry to disturb

I clicked on the send as a smile played on my lips. 

I will pick you at 02 00 PM sharp. 

Be ready by then. 

I my smile got wider. You don't know what is coming at you, Mr. Ahmed Ali Rizvi


I pressed on send and threw the phone on the mattress. 

Straighten your back, Fatima, there is a lot to do today. I thought to myself before running downstairs. 

I came back up at twelve in the noon and rushed to the bathroom to clean myself up. I peeled off the sweat-drenched clothes from my body and ran a hot bath. 

I wrapped my bathrobe around me when I stepped out of the shower and checked the time on my phone. 12 30! I screamed mentally before rushing to the closet to pick out a dress for today. 

I quickly picked out my knee-length red ajrak pleated frock paired with my black jeans. I placed them on the bed and quickly pulled out a blow dryer from the drawer. 

After drying my hair I changed into my clothes and stood in front of the vanity to make my face presentable. My bruises were still there. 

There was a dark spot on my lips, where they had busted, my forehead was still a bit green if you look closely and there were still a few small scars on the side of my face. For a moment I felt bad about myself, but after cursing that bastard a few times, I felt a lot better. 

God bless whoever invented or discovered concealer. I thought pulling mine out of my make up bag. After doing myself minimum makeup, I went hijab hunting. I had decided to wear a black hijab that day. 

I pulled out my red pumps from my closet and placed them near the door so that I could just slip into them and out of my room. 

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