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It won't be wrong if I say that after that horrible night in that dark alley, Ahmed and I had started to get warmer to each other. I had started trusting Ahmed unknowingly. He was growing on me as a tree grows in soil. The roots just keep getting deeper with time. Sometimes I feel like I am quite an easy game to win. 

There were times I found myself wanting to text him, wanting to call him. However, I controlled myself and my whims. Sure, I liked him. Perhaps it was more than that. I tried to reason with myself that there wasn't anything about him that I could like. I mean, he wasn't like the guy I used to fantasize about marrying. 

I reasoned that a person like Ahmed would always end up breaking my heart. I know I could not help to want him, but I didn't have to surrender to my feelings. I knew it was just infatuation. It was bound to come and go fast. 

In the end, it's all just a game of hormones. I thought as I threw my back on the bed. It's all just high of Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and serotonin. 

The exhaustion of the day made my eyes heavy. I closed them wanting to relax for a bit. I think I had fallen asleep because the next thing I remember was very loud banging on my door. I slowly opened my eyes. My head felt very heavy. 

I tried to make the pain go away by pressing my palm on my head but it persisted.

I made my way to the door and opened it. 

"It's time for dinner," Gul said. I nodded and closed the door back. 

I made towards downstairs after washing my face. I entered into the dining room and halted in my steps. There sat on the table in all his glory, the man who would always be dominated in my thoughts. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. My heart started doing those stupid somersaults again. 

I smiled at him, ignoring all the butterflies in my stomach. 

"Hi, Ahmed," I said, "How have you been?" I asked as I pulled the chair furthest from him. The sound of the chair being dragged made me look towards him. 

He had stood up and was walking towards me. I looked at him puzzled. He just silently took my hand and dragged me behind him to the seat that was right across his. He pulled the seat out and gestured me to sit. I sat down without any argument. He walked to his seat and sat down. When he got settled he looked up at me and smiled. 

"I have been fine, Fatima. How about you?" He replied. I gulped. Suddenly my throat went dry as he addressed me. My palms went sweaty. 
"Me too." My voice came out raspy. 

I cleared my throat and looked at the door, hoping to see Zulekha Aunty or Muhammad Uncle but no one came. 

"I will go and call Zulekha Aunty," I said trying to make an excuse to leave. 
"She won't come," Ahmed spoke as I stood up. I blinked at him. 
"Why?" I asked. 
"Because she's not at home." He said casually leaning back in his chair. 
"Where is she?" I couldn't help getting worried. 
"She went to a wedding, in Vegas." He said calmly. "Didn't she tell you?" I shook my head. 

"Must have slipped her mind. Anyways, Dad and Mom won't be back until the day after tomorrow." He added. 
"And Dad?" I asked, "So uncle is not here too?" 

He nodded and stood up. He walked towards me. I watched his every step as he undid his collar button and walked towards me. 

He walked right up next to me, till there were mere inches that were between us. 

He leaned in and placed on hand on the back of my chair and the other on the table, blocking my exit as he caged me. 

"What do you think could happen?" He asked in a low, hoarse voice. I gulped and leaned back. Before I could answer he broke into a fit of laughter. 

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