Chapter 15

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Brendon pulled up to Richard's apartment building, seeing that he obviously lived in the penthouse at the very top. 

He scoffed, looking at the unnecessary glass windows that were about ten feet tall. Rich people were all the same in Brendon's mind.

Once Brendon was out of his car, he walked into the fancy building, rolling his eyes at all the expensive features. The woman at the front desk glanced up at him, then looked down at her computer.

"You're probably the fifth person I've told today that Mr. Madden will not allow anyone in his apartment, except invited guests."

 Brendon furrowed his eyebrows, losing his patience quickly. "Listen, lady. I have shit to get done tonight and I won't let anyone stand in my fucking way, you hear me?!"

The whole lobby went silent, looking towards Brendon and the secretary. She leaned in close, then licked her lips, getting ready to say something. 

"He's on floor fifty-two." Brendon smiled, then began making his way towards the elevator. Even though he had got past her, he still wanted to kill someone because of the frustration she had caused him.

Luckily, he was heading up to the top floor to pay one of his 'friends' a visit. Brendon stood with crossed arms as the elevator slowly went up to each floor. His patience was running thin, but in the end, he knew he would be satisfied with the final product.

Soon, he was at the top, the elevator doors opening to reveal a wide open room, a grand piano sitting in the middle of it.

The polished floors shined in the artificial light, along with the cabinet full of assorted wines. Confusion written on his face, Richard walked out of his bedroom to see who was in his apartment.

When he looked down the stairs, he saw Brendon gawking at the penthouse. "Well, it seems someone decided to pay a visit."

Brendon looked up, hating that Richard was trying to show off to him. "I have a bone to pick with you, Richie. Why don't you come down here, so we could have a little chat."

Richard smirked, slowly taking steps down the stairs. "You can talk to me, while I'm up here. It's not like there's a billion people here."

Brendon pursed his lips. "You know what? I'm just gonna cut to the chase and say that I'm going to kill you because Ella is mine and mine only."

Richard's smirk faded away, the cockiness in his voice had immediately stopped. His throat went dry as Brendon began to inch towards him.

"You wouldn't dare! She's just a stupid pawn in my game of life, Brendon!" Other rich men would've found that funny, but Brendon was infuriated.

"She's a pawn to you? You really are a sick man, Richard. A fucked up, rich man like you doesn't deserve to live."

He broke into a sprint, running up the stairs as Richard began to run away from him. Before he could reach the end of the hall, Brendon grabbed the back of his robe, pulling it back, so Richard was choking.

Richard's hands began to fumble over each other as he tried to stop Brendon from grabbing onto his robe. "B-Brendon-"

He let go of the robe, throwing Richard into the glass he had just below the railing. The glass cracked, blood from his nose and the back of his neck getting all over it.

Brendon stopped for a moment, looking at the broken, rich man in front of him. As he began to feel bad for him, he realized that this was the life he had chosen to live. The life in which nothing is ever good for him.

Snapping out of his daze, Brendon slammed his foot down onto Richard's stomach, causing blood to spill out from his mouth.

He kicked his side, cracking the glass little by little. With one last forceful kick, the glass broke and Richard fell down to the first floor, glass cutting him everywhere.

Brendon rushed down the stairs, checking to see if Richard had a pulse. Nothing at all. Brendon turned his body over, looking into the fearful, blue eyes of Richard.

He was gone and he was never coming back.

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