Chapter 9. Rosé figured it out

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Rosé Park

" Hi! Uncle. It's nice to see you again. How are you and Auntie how is she?  Can i see her?? "  i said to Uncle  Marco after i got inside his car we are heading to the business meeting with the Board member to discuss the terms and conditions for the unities of my father company and the LM Company. There are always terms and condition in any business right.??.

" ofcourse!! She's  getting better and better this days!!  By the way how are you??  How's your studying??  Uncle marco ask.

" great to know auntie is in a good condition right now. I  continuing my study at Intelligence University uncle. I said.

  " Really?? it's nice to hear that you continuing your study there.  It's been years when i visit our school here in korea. I should visit the school soon." uncle marco said while signaling the driver that it's good to go. The drive to the company was silent.

" Hi.  Dad!  Rosé!!  it's finally good to see you again after  two years. you look stunning today!.  " it's Kai my uncle adopted son

"thank you kai. You look good too" Isaid
" let's go inside,  they are waiting" Uncle marco said.

" According to the he Businesses and Companys leadings statistics The SINCO Company is now the new Top leading company in Asia followed by our company.
The SINCO Company made a impressive Performance in just 3 years.  This Means that The SINCO Company is not just a simple company and that company is now our greatest opponent. We all know that The Lm Company is the No. 1 leading Company for over 5 decades. We can't  lose that with just a rookie in this field.  We must take action and make a plan for entering the Global market as soon as possible and i believe that the  unities of the two company will make our Company to enter the global Market easily"   Kai long Statement in the meeting.

The meeting Last for almost 2 hrs. There's a lot of terms and condition discussed and we also discussed the next steps and strategies and plans for entering the the Global market. It's true that the sinco company made an impressive performance in just 3 year. The CEO of that company really knows what's in demand this last few years and it continue t o grow.
After the meeting Uncle Marco invited us for dinner that night.

" This Salad is so good and also the Pasta !! Can i get the recipes of this i said while munching the salad.

" ofcourse honey!! Hmmm.  You look so beautiful And your much taller now rosè" Auntie Mina said it's Uncle marco wife

" thank you!  Auntie!! I bet if Pranpriya is here shes gonna make fun of me for being tall like this"  i said without thinking what will be my uncle marco reaction.
" yes!!  that's true!!  I Miss  lisa so much!!  Marco. What really happened why pranpriya run away? There must be a reason why??  And why untill now you couldn't find her?? She's your daughter Marco!??  Its my mother who ask Uncle marco

" She's a disgrace in this family just like Madelyn. She can't do anything, she can't help our family and....And to our company.  You know how much important  the Reputation of the Company to our father Minzy." uncle marco said.
I quickly glance at Kai and auntie mina to see thier reaction but they are just looking to their plate and not moving.

"But we now that it-"  but uncle marco stop my mom

" enough!! I don't want this dinner to ruin because of her.  let's just eat!!  Okay?? " Uncle marco.
We just eat in silent when my father start conversation again this time its about the company.

Untill now im still wondering where is Pranpriya.  And this Lisa Girl is really look familiar to me it's like i know her.  I just..  I just need to figure it out. But wait she's Also a Manoban. What if LISA MANOBAN IS THE PRANPRIYA MANOBAN and she just changed her name to Lisa. That's make sense now!. I just need to get closer to Lisa  for now just to make sure.

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