Chapter 23.The Awarding Night part.2

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Third person POV

Everyone was fascinated and attracted to her beauty, some girl can't stop gushing about how beautiful she is when she's walking to the stage to say her speech.

" thank you! Thank you! First thing first i would like to correct things.
Im not the CEO of the SINCO company."

What irene just said earn a lot of noise from all the person inside the room and also at the internet since they also make a live for those person who wants to see what is happening during the awarding.

"The company will never make it here without you and your crazy ideas that makes the company even more successful, your hard work and all your sacrifices, all your kindness, and for being humble to all the peoples who needs help without asking in returns.

I would like to take this opportunity to say things to you and to let everyone knows how greatful and blessed i am and the company to have you and as a part of our life.

No matter what or who you are, i will stay and accept everything about you and i will always by your side, i always got your back to the good, and bad things, through ups and downs. You know how much i love you.

To the person behind of all this success . You know who you are and i know youre watching this.
This is your success, but you always said that this is our success.

Being here tonight is not on our plan especially not on our list and being here today is never easy it was very hard but this person made it easy!! YOU MADE EVERYTHING SEEMS SO EASY. we've been through a lot of pain, especially you, we've been through lot of brain storming, through a lot of difficult decisions.

But you still stand and become more stronger everyday.

Im sure that if you the one standing here this is what you will say. So in behalf of the True CEO of the SINCO company i would like to say thank you so much to all of our employees all over the world who's working so hard and doing thier part to the company, your dedication to your job is very appreciated. And to all of our business partners, clients and to all consumers who patronising our products, services thank you so much. We are still looking forward to deliver and give you more in the future.

Thank you so much!. "

Irene Bae is now done at her speech.
And each person inside the room clapped thier hands still can't believe of the revelation.

" finally i already said what i wanted to say" irene thought while she accepting the trophy

On the other hand

Marco manoban is still looking at her and at the same time shookt because there is another person behind the success of the SINCO COMPANY .

" WOW! This is a very Mind Blowing revelation. who's the real CEO OF THE SINCO COMPANY ??. Is she or a he ? No matter who she or he is! One thing for sure that that person is very mysterious." Rose ann park thought still looking to Irene who is now walking back to her table.

" the SINCO COMPANY KEEPS surprising the world., bet that Person that Miss.Irene talking too is a great person. Hmm i wonder where is Rose, i haven't see her since i got here?" jisoo thought looking to Irene and around hoping to find Rosé.

" this is unbelievable!! who's the true CEO OF that fucking company?? Why he or she can't reveal her or his self?? Is she or hi' s ugly or what?. But i doesn't matter who she/he is.
All i need is to make my moves and do my plan to bring the LM company back to #1 again." Kai thought staring nocuous to irene.

(On the other hand again. )

Jennie was watching the awarding live thru Vlive. And even her was shocked about Irene revelation that she is not the real CEO of the SINCO COMPANY.

The revelation broke the internet
With the different hashtags about the CEO of the Sinco Company.
#Who is that mysterious Real CEO of the THE SINCO COMPANY

All the reporters are crazy to interview Irene after the awarding was done. And when they finally got a chance they ask same the question to her

" who is the real CEO of the SINCO COMPANY??"

But irene shut them by saying this to every single reporter.

" i can't tell Yet but soon you will all know" after she said that she immediately hoped in her car and drive away from the reporters.

Irene immediately contact lisa informing her about what had just happened to the event.

On the other side. Lisa is also watching the Vlive of the awarding.

This is too much for lisa to handle, she cried while watching and hearing the speech of her cousin. She know how much Irene love her. Bet she did not expectedthat she will tell it to the whole world.
Lisa was relieved because Irene did not mention her name on the speech because for sure. Peoples especially reporters will surely feast her.

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