Chapter 37: Hoodie

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Jisoo Kim Pov

" jennie kim!! I swear if you did no stop making my table like a mess again i will freaking cut your boyfriends head. Im serious here!!"

I said to jennie who's been very busy checking on my table and picking every single paper there and not returning where she get it.

" 1,...2,...3,, . For my sake jennie. Fine what do you want?" i said giving up and as expected she stop on what shes doing and face me.

" let's go out tonight!!"
Jennie said.

" Just sit there and let me place this all back to where they are 15 minutes ago. And my answer is NO.
NO IS NO, jennie your wound is still fresh. '' i said. Putting all the paper back to where they are before.

" look im good now, im okay, i can totally walk. See?"

" yeah walk like a cripple lady, look your cut is deep and its just a couple of days old so its still fresh"

" aaish!! Fine." jennie give in not wanting any argument.

" so.... Hows your freaky boyfriend Kai?" i asked jennie

" don't call him like that!!"

"what!! I can call him what ever i like!"  i meanly said it.

" just don't okay!?....
His stressing his self to much because of the news which is fake and because of that a lot of their clients back out so he is working so hard righ now making some Urgent proposal and i think by the end of the month he will launch it for Lm Company with the Collaboration of Rose to gain more clients and at the same time Win the old clients Back."  jennie said with her eyes closed.

" i see!! So what about you and Kai?"  i asked her again. Because if they are in a good term right now jennie is not here in my office right now.

"we barely talk to each other this passed few days" jennie replied

" jennie can you see any future with Kai?  Because i don't see your future with him!"

I asked her because i know asking her like this question will somehow wake her up to kai gallure. I know she will never listen if i said she should break up with Kai without valid reason not untill i got my phone back.

" do you really love Kai? genuinely and not being  strained to it ?"
I asked again and
Boom her face expression changed into unreadable one. She blinks multiple times before looking at me.

" ah.uhm... Future with kai? Well that haven't crossed my mind until now and to be honest i think im too young for that.. And...and....i..i do love Kai. Ofcourse i love kai right"

Jennie said unsure, confusing me if her last words is a statement or a question.

"do you?" i asked again

" Am i?" jennie said again

" what?? Im asking you again if you really love him. because im not so convince that you love him that much as much as you love lisa.......... back in college"

i suddenly said because im out of patience with this girl, confusing me. And i think i said too far by bringing up lisa in this conversation.
By Seeing her face tensed up. I immediately cover up what i said.

" i mean  you know. It's just that back then your gushing about how the way lisa do things and like that but you never do such thing for Kai untill now and im your friend and i care about you. You know what i mean??" i said  hoping that she's not mad at me for saying those things.

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