Chapter 19 : Tell me

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Previously on Meri Aashiqui...

Annika...that poor should have seen her that day...I thought she would crumble with slightest of the touch...she was so fragile and vulnerable..."
Tia said sadly remembering...

"Well I can say one thing though...She cares for you very much...varna nobody would have taken such a step to protect you...especially to leave you when she was being blackmailed by your mom..."

Shivaay stood shocked listening to Tia...

Mom blackmailed Annika...?
She was responsible for all this...?
but why...?
Why would she do that to him...her own son...?

His heart went out to Annika...

He felt Tia looking at him concerned...Though his world had just rocked Shivaay managed to maintained a perfect poker face...

Concealing every emotion he felt...

And Tia didn't get an inkling that Shivaay was hearing this for the first time...because she relaxed soon enough...

"Yes... I'm really lucky to have Annika in my life..."

Chapter 19:

Annika's POV

Annika was sitting crumbled up in one of the chairs outside Dadi's observation room...

She had her head placed on her legs that were drawn up....trying to ease the feeling she was having...

Try to remember something good Annika...

Her thought went to Shivaay's smile some time ago...
He looked so free...

His eyes twinkling with happiness...

Cheesy as that sounds, she could keep looking at his satrangi eyes forever...
She had really missed seeing him like that...

The painful memory of that broken Shivaay that she had seen on that day was pinching her heart making it bleed every time she looked at him...

It will surely haunt her forever no matter what...
Especially now that she came to know that all that was for nothing...

For a lie that pinky fed her....

She would make it up to him...She vowed to herself...

She would make it up to him...every single day of their life, every hour...every second...if he would let her...

Where was Shivaay...?
He had been gone for like 10-15 minutes...
But still she was feeling empty...

To top it off, there was this fact that Without him here she strangely felt like an outsider intruding upon their  personal moment....she might not have felt like this before...

But somehow everything that happened that day had forcefully shattered the bonds she had forged with this family....

Especially because the elephant in the room was enough for her to be restless and disturbed...

The hate Pinky Oberoi had for her to lie about something like that...

The level of venom in her heart astonished her...

Lying to another person that her own son is illegitimate...that her husband was cheating on her with another woman and fathered a child...

She felt sick even thinking about it....
No use going there Annika...she told herself...

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