Chapter 48 : Forever yours

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Previously on Meri Aashiqui...

Shivaay felt relieved seeing his family happy but he was also worried for Annika noticing that nothing was making her react...

It was like she had removed herself completely from everything...
It was as if she was still caught in a bubble unable to escape the horrors...

Shivaay looked up at his wife questioningly...
Annika smiled at him...

A smile which didn't reach her eyes like it usually did...

This was a smile she gave when she didn't want to worry them...

Her lips were smiling but her eyes were telling him that she was drowning...

He started but was interrupted by Annika who shook her head pleading him not to ask her anything...

"This is not over yet..."
Shivaay thought looking at her...

Chapter 48:
Forever yours...

Beyond power of speech
When the one thing you want
Is the only thing out of your reach...

Annika raised her hand forward to reach out to Shivaay...

"Shivaay....where are you...?"
She cried looking around...But all she could see was darkness...

She crawled forward tearfully...and suddenly her hands touched on something...

Scared Annika pulled her hands back only to see blood in her hands...

Worried Annika moved closer to get a close look only to have the biggest shock of her life....

She was staring into the eyes of the man she loved...

She moved closer to cup his face in her hand...

"Are you hurt...?"
She asked him concerned...

"Stay away from me..."
Shivaay said slapping her hand away furiously...

"Shivaay...why are you doing this...?"
She asked him tearfully...

"You destroyed my ruined the perfect the life I was living....and now because of you I'm dying..."
Shivaay screeched angrily at her...

"Please don't say that...I love you...I love you so much...I'll make sure that nothing is going to happen to you ok..."
Annika said moving closer to him...

"Wow...You love me...?YOU LOVE ME....?and that justifies all that you are putting me through...?my mother is in jail because of dad is broken because of you...and I'm suffering because of you...and you have the audacity to tell me that you love me...?"

"I hate you....I hate you with every fibre of my life...I HATE YOU ANNIKA...I wish you hadn't come into my life ever..."
Shivaay said pushing her away before falling unconscious...

"Shivaay wake up...Shivaay please..."
Annika cried shaking him...

Annika screamed jumping up from the couch she had fallen asleep in sweating furiously...

Annika blinked and realized that she was in their room...
"It was a nightmare...?"
She thought to herself...

Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.

Annika looked around panicking...

Annika sat on the bed besides Shivaay and cried holding his hand...
Shivaay called her half asleep...

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