When Thorns Go Soft (A Night Shift Story) [1/2]

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Drew comfort Y/N

"Hey, Y/N, can I talk to you for a second?" TC asks. "Sure, I'll talk to you later, okay?" I say to Drew before walking towards TC. "Listen, I cross referenced the blood type between my patient and yours and they matched..." he trails off. "What, you want to steal my patient's heart for yours? Absolutely not, it's not even my decision to say yes or no." I state. "Actually, it is. I cannot locate any family of your patients. And her daughters are—" "Are too young for their mother to be taken from them? That's exactly what I was thinking. Thanks for being on the same page." I say sarcastically before walking away from him.

"Whether you like it or not, you're the one who has to make this decision." TC says as he pulls me back by my arm. "And if you don't make the right choice, I will make it for you." He adds through gritted teeth. "Is that a threat, army man?" "Take it how you want. It's either both patients die or one gets to live. And I'm willing to do all in my power to make sure the former happens." He says.

I yank my arm out of his grasp and rub where the pain originated. "Consider it a challenge, Tee." "You're willing to weight lives in the balance for dominance?" He scolds. "Isn't that what you're doing?" I contradict, earning an angered huff from him. "You need to understand that your patient is going to be brain dead. Now, you can have her die for something good or something selfish, that's your choice to make, for now." He says before walking down the steps of the hospital. I am not going to let TC rob my patient of her organs. Not when there's a chance that she could live.


After seven coffees and fifteen hours of reading out of the books, I finally found a solution. Once I did, I grab the text book and run out of the library. I sprint form the halls and yell, "Where's Topher?" "Right here," I hear him say. When I approach him, I set the book on the counter in front of him and say,"I found a way to make the swelling go down and operate on the tumor simultaneously. All we have to do is—" "I'm sorry, Y/N/N. But you're too late."
Topher interrupts.

"What? What do you mean? I-I found the answer." "TC showed me how critical his patient was and now both his patient and yours have the same blood type. His patient was dying and so, I made a call. They took out her heart and put it into his patient... I know it was hard for you to let go, but—"

"Favoritism. Favoritism is at work here. It always has been, since before I came here." I interrupt, anger growing in my chest. "TC had a good case—" "No, TC was in your platoon when you served. And for that, you will always choose his side. You guys are practically family." I state. "Did you even think about my patient's daughters? Did you even talk to them about what happened?" I add. "No, not yet. We we're going to leave you to talk to them, as her mother's doctor."

"Oh, now you want to consider me as her doctor. I promised them that I would do everything in my power to keep their mother alive— to save them— and you and TC took that away from me!" I yell, make more and more heads turn with interest. "Where is he now?" I add. "In recovery, with his patient." He explains. Without another word, I make my way to the elevator and clench my fists tightly as I wait.

The elevator dings before it opens and I immediately have TC in my sight. "TC!" I yell, getting his attention. "Oh boy, here we go." I hear him say. "Do you want to talk somewhere private?" He asks. "I don't care where we are, we are going to address this now." I say, throwing the book at his chest. "This was the procedure that I was going to do until you completely undermined my authority and went to Topher." I add.

"Look, I know you're upset. But look at him and his family. Look how happy and grateful they are." He says, motioning to the window. "Your patient died doing a great thing." "No, she wasn't killed; she was murdered by you! She wanted to keep fighting—I wanted to keep fighting— and you completely took that away. You heartless son of a bitch!" I state as I push him into the wall forcefully. "Whoa, you need to calm down." Jordan steps in. "Stay out of this, Jordan. This is between me and your boyfriend." I snap.

"I made the call that you couldn't make," "And in doing so, you made those two girls orphans." I spit. "You doomed those kids to the hell of foster care for the rest of their childhood. Whatever the fate of those kids are, it's on your hands now. Not mine. You made them orphans, not me." I add. I shove him into the wall once again before rushing off.

"Y/N," Jordan starts as she places a hand on my shoulder. Moving my shoulder out of her grasp, I say, "Don't touch me," I walk into the stairwell and walk as close to the lobby and away from TC and his pose as I can.

I take one more step before sitting down on a step and take fistfuls of my hair as my body shakes uncontrollably. Thoughts of my mother on her deathbed flash in my mind. She suffered from the same injury as my patient except she ended up that way when she pushed me and my sister out of the way before the car could hit us.

When we took her to the ambulance, and the ambulance to the hospital, we discovered that she had a benign tumor in the center of her brain. Her brain was swelling so much that the doctors were unable to get to the tumor and she died while they were operating.

She had no other family besides us and so, my sister and I were forced into foster care. The first home we went to belonged to abusive alcoholics. I refused to let my sister and I get abused, so I took her and ran away. I tried to keep her as safe for as long as I could but— "Y/N?" Drew asks, snapping me out of my gaze.

"Are you crying? What happened?" He adds. "Oh God, you're the last person I wanted to see me like this. Leave me alone, Drew." I say, standing from the stairs and walking up. "Whoa, hey, you're not going anywhere without yelling me what is wrong." He says, catching me and holding me gently. "Nothing is wrong, I just have something in my eye. I think it's infected." I lie.

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