Going Dark (A Night Shift Story) [1/2]

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Y/N gets kidnapped
Stopping at my favorite place on my run, I place my hands on my hips as I scan over calm and serenity of the lake. The soft chirps of crickets decrease as the morning sun peaks from beneath the trees and the water slows to a crawl down the riverbed. I close my eyes and inhale the pungent scent of swamp and algae. "Beautiful, isn't it?" A voice says all of a sudden. My eyes snap open and my arms find themselves in defense positions as I jump backwards. "Whoa, hey, I'm sorry to scare you." He says. "I just like this lake too," He adds. "Do you - um, come here, often?"

"That is not how to start a conversation with a woman," I say hesitantly dropping my guard. "I know, I'm sorry. Do you want to run together? If not, I completely get it." He says. "Actually, I think I'll pass on that. Thanks for the offer though." I say before jogging into the woods, making sure he doesn't follow me home. I am in the middle of running when I hear tree branches cracking under someone's foot that was not mine. I stop and glance around over my shoulder for any figure. "Hello!" My voice echoes throughout a forest and no figure in sight. "If you're the same dude from before, you will be in for one hell of a reckoning." I say.

Silence. I turn and run at a faster pace than before. I hear another tree branch crack and I don't even bother to stop and look again. I bet that he cannot catch up with me, that by the way he looks. I feel someone push me to the ground and I jump back to me feet before he could even do anything. I put my guards up and as soon as he stands from the floor, I punch him across the face. "You need to leave me the hell alone, or else you'll get something a whole lot worse than a punch." I threaten. "Is your name Y/N Y/L/N?" "My name is none of your business," "I'm assuming that is a yes," he says as he spits out a glob of blood.

"Take her," he says. I spin around to come into contact with two big men with black masks on, the generic robber mask. "You can try," I put my hands up and one of the men grabs a hold of a thick tree branch. When he swings at me, I duck just in time and elbow him in his kidneys. He falls to the going and clutched his back with pain. I hit the other guy with a spinning 360 roundhouse kick and am pretty sure that I heard a crack.

Before any of them could recover, I dashed through the words as fast and far as I could. I pull out my phone from my arm holder and call Drew. The phone rings at least twice before he answer, "Hello," "Drew, I'm being followed, they tried to attack me but I escaped, and I think that they are catching up to me."

"Whoa, wait, what?" "Are you- where are you right now?" He adds. "I'm in the woods about seven miles from my house, I-" the phone cut off. "Hello? D-Drew?" Silence. "Shit," I hear the echoing of a gun firing and a few seconds later, I feel a sharp sting in my right leg. I fall to the floor and hold my leg with pain. I whimper as I glance down at my bucket wound and the pulsating flesh around it.

The pain intensified whenever I try to stand and then the men neared me. I was officially discombobulated. "Shit," "Shit, indeed." He says as he snatched my phone from me. "Ah, you called Drew. Great, that was what I was going to do." He says.

"What do you want with Drew." I ask. "I think the better question is, what do I want with you?" He states. "Put her in the van. And knock her out, I don't want her making anymore grand escapes." He adds. With that, a sharp hit to the back of my head sent me straight into unconsciousness.


(Third Person's P.O.V.)
Drew bursts into the ER with sweat fabricating on his forehead. He breathes heavily as he scans the room for anyone he knows. Once TC and Topher appear, Drew runs over to them. "TC!" Drew yells. "You have to help me, it's Y/N. I-I think she's been kidnapped." Drew adds as he approaches them. "Ha! Very funny. Who would kidnap a badass like her?" TC explains. "I don't know, but she called me and she seemed pretty scared. I think it was genuine." Drew states, concern present on his face.

"Okay, alright, you go to the police station and update us on Y/N's whereabouts. TC, you go with him for emotional support." Topher instructs. "Really? You sure you font need me here?" TC asks. "We do need you, but Drew needs you more. Go." Topher states. "Thanks Topher," Drew says before him and TC run out of the ER.

Meanwhile, Y/N is sitting in a room with her wrists bound behind her back and around the chair. She has a bag over her hear that prevented her from seeing well. The men have come back and they walk into the room to talk to Y/N. "Wake up, bitch." One man sneers.

He rips the bag off of her head and she blinks slowly as her eyes begins to adjust to the lighting. When she doesn't seem responsive, the same man slaps her in the face. "Hey! Easy on her face. We need her alive and well if we want to get anything from Drew." The lead man says. "Who are you, and what do you want with Drew?" Y/N asks, her eyes still squinting under the light.

"You don't remember who I am? Wow, I'm truly hurt. Maybe if I call Drew, that he will remember me." He says. "Let's find out. And you better hope that he does because your life depends on it." He adds as he takes out his phone to dial the San Antonio Memorial Hospital phone number.

"Hello, can I speak to Dr. Alister please?" The man starts. "Is this an emergency sir?" Kenny says over the phone. "Well if you remember sir?" Kenny says over the phone. "Well if you consider the life of Dr. Y/L/N an emergency," "I'm sorry?" "I have a gun held to Dr. Y/L/N's head right now, and if you don't get Drew on the phone, I'm going to shoot her." "Whoa, whoa! Hey, no! Don't hurt her a light . I'll get Drew on the phone, just please don't hurt her." Kenny says. "Chop, chop." He says. "It seems like more people than just Drew cares about you." He says to Y/N. Kenny scrambles for his phones and silently curses at Drew to answer the phone.

"Kenny, right now is not a goof time. Could you give my patients to someone else? I-" Drew starts. "Some man called and he says that he has a gun to Y/N's head, if you don't talk to him in five minutes he'll kill her." Kenny interrupts. "Put him on the phone," Drew says, his jaw clenched with anger. "Listen to me, you stupid son of a bitch. If I so much as see a scrape on her face, I will-" "You will what? You need to realize that you have no power here, Drew. Just like you had 'no power' when my wife died." The man interrupts.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

Multifandom!!! (Book 2) {CLOSED}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora