He's Gone (A Leonard Snart Imagine)

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Snart died, so that I could live. The place we were held captive, had low traces of energy for me to harness. What was happening in real life, happened in his dream. His nightmare was coming true, and it was all my fault. I was arrogant with my powers, and that's what got us caught in the first place.

I tried to fight our way out, I didn't see the man behind me with a gun. Snart did and jumped in front of me, taking all of the bullets. My body created an energy wave, a very nuclear one that killed everyone it touched.

I cradled Snart in my arms and he takes my hand into his. "This wasn't your fault, darling." "Yes it is, I'm so sorry, baby." Emotion pinches my throat and I kiss him gently. I use my own thermal energy to keep his wounds stabilized, but it wasn't working. "No, no, no, please work."

"It's okay," "No, it's not. You are here because of me. You were shot because of me. I—" "One thing that you know more than anyone, is no one can make me do things I don't want to do. I do it for people that I care about. That I love." "You love me?" "Since the day that I met you,"

"I love you too. But please don't leave me," I whimper. He holds the side of my face and traces my bottom lip with his thumb. "Beautiful," He says, making us both smile. His hands drops and his eye dilate one last time.

"Oh God," I rest my head against face into his collarbone. My tears and sobs were trying to burst out of me. Y/N, this is not the time to have a breakdown. You're still not safe. I find a tarp and a blanket and wrap Snart in them. I tie a wire into a harness and put his torso into it. The straps went around my shoulders as I drag him to the ship.

We were held captive for at least three days. Luckily, it was nighttime. Which made it easier to transport Snart without looking suspicious. I fall to my feet after miles of walking with Snart. "Oh my God, Y/N. Are you alright? We were worried sick." Sara says. "Hey, where's Snart?" Ray asks.

I take off my straps and look towards the tarp. "He, um.. he didn't make it." Everyone looks to the tarp with sadness and I tried as hard as I could to keep it together. "Let us take care of this. You just take it easy alright." Jax said. Ray and Jax lifted Snart into the ship.

I walk into Snart's room and grabbed his jacket. I inhaled his scent and tears left my eyes. "Y/N—" Sara starts. "I would like to be alone right now." "Alright, but um.. I think Snart would want you to have this."
She sets his goggles down on the edge of the bed before she leaves the room.

I look over at a picture that Snart had of him and his sister. "What am I going to tell her?" I say to myself. "That he fought for someone that he really loved." Mick says. "You wanna know what he said to me, when I said that it was my fault that he was there?" I start. "He said—" "No one makes me do anything I don't want to." Mick finishes.

"Why would he do that? Sacrifice himself for me? Before he would have let me die. I made him soft and now he's dead." "Don't blame yourself for that, Y/N." "How can you be nice to me right now, Mick? I got your partner killed! You should be pissed at me right now." I stand from the bed and ball my hands up into fists.

"What did I make you soft too!" I say, pushing his shoulders. He stands up from bed and holds my forearms. "You didn't make him soft. You didn't make me soft either. You made us better people." "You are my best friend next to Snart. There's a reason for that."

"What am I going to do, Mick?" I say, bursting into tears. He doesn't respond and just pulls me in for a hug. I sob loudly into his arm and fall to my knees. Mick catches me and he even started to cry too.

Third Person
"I think we should.. send her home. She won't be 100% anytime soon. She needs a break, she deserves it." Sara says to Rip. "Agreed," About five days later, Y/N says good bye with the team before she goes back home.

Everyone gave Y/N something to remember them by. She finally approaches her family's door step and knocks on the door. Joe answers the door and says, "Hey, baby. How— what's wrong?" He notices the tears staining her face.

Barry, Iris and Wally all file behind him and Barry asks, "What happened, Y/N?" Y/N looks to Wally and Iris says, "it's okay, he knows." "Snart.. he's gone." "Here.. come in," Joe opens the door and she walks in. She sets the bags down and walks into the kitchen. She made hot cocoa with small marshmallows, just like Snart likes it.

She released a shaky breath before saying, "We were captured, and in a tight spot. We were there because of me. I got cocky and they tranqed us. I tried to fight my way out blind, and um.." she wipes away a tear. "I was fighting and I didn't see the man behind me, and Snart took the hit."

Her voice cracked and she held her face in her hand as he body shakes with every sob. "I loved him, Daddy." She says to Joe and he hugs her deeply. He rests his head on top of hers and says, "I know, I'm sorry, baby."

Y/N has been crying every day since she came home, everyone tried to talk her into getting out of the house, and all none of them succeeded. But one person hasn't yet tried: Wally.

"Hey, I know I'm the last person that you want to talk to because of how I treated Barry in the beginning." He leans against her doorway and adds, "But.. you're also my sister. And.. probably one of the strongest people that I've ever met."

"You know, you can actually die from a broken heart? It has many names but it's mainly called stress cardiomyopathy." She says as she holds onto a picture frame of Snart. "I believe that you can get through this. And I may not know you as well as the rest of everyone else. But I would like to."

Y/N looks up from the frame for the first time in hours. "Why? Why do you want to get to know me?" "Because.. you remind me a lot of myself actually, but a lot more—" "Mean?" She says with a smile. "Yeah.. wow, I am a terrible pep talker."

"Well you made me laugh for the first time in a while. So I would say that you are doing pretty well." "But I'm mean for a reason. It forces people to want to get to the nice part. And by doing that—" "They earn your trust," he finishes. "Exactly,"

"Well I would love to try earning your trust over dinner. And I mean actual dinner, not pizza that you've been inhaling." "Wow, so it's like that?" "It's exactly like that," "Then I'll start getting ready then." "Noted," "And Wally?" "Yeah," "Thank you," he nods before adding, "I'll let you get ready."

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