Meeting Ardeth (The Mummy Imagine)

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"Oh my God!" Dr. Terrance exclaims and I knew that it has something to do with Eve. I dash inside to see several of the large book shelves that were thirty feet high and ten feet thick. They were all on their sides and the books were scattered everywhere.

"How did this happen!" He yells. "I jus.. it-it was an accident." Eve steamers. "Accident, my ass! Why do I put up wit you, huh?" Whoa, whoa, whoa, relax, baldie, okay?" I'll help her clean everything up. Don't get your grey hairs in a twist." "All of this better be cleaned up. I don't care how long it takes!" He says before he leaves.

"Such a drama queen," I say under my breath. We move to pick up some books when I heard a metal clang in the other room. I walk slowly into the room and took a sword from one of its designated spots and Eve grabs a mace. I spin it from side to side and approach the room. We were walking and didn't see anything or anybody.

I rest my side along the tomb of a Mummy to notice that it was moving. I take the sword and aim it at its throat. "Whoa, Hey! I'm now a threat here. I was just playing around." Jonathan stammers. "Jonathan, I could have killed you!" "Quit being so tense, eh." I lunge forward and he winces. Eve laughs as she watches her brother jump out of the tomb.

"By the way, there's something I found that I think would be of importance."


Jonathan did find something of importance. He found the genuine map of the Humanaptra, the City of the Dead. There was a group of Americans who were looking for the same city and when we arrived. The Americans being curious pricks that they are, unveiled the curse that brought back the pharaohs priests and the ten Egyptian plagues with him.

We went back to Cairo to get some more knowledge on how to beat the pharaoh's priest. We walk into the museum to see a tall, Middleastern man dressed in all black. He has Arabic writings tattooed on his cheeks and forehead, but that only added to his attractiveness. His dark brown eyes fell onto me and he fell on one knee as he spoke, "My Queen,"

"Wh- 'my Queen'? I'm not the Queen of anything," "You will know your destiny soon, my Queen." The only thing that I would like to be my destiny is being on top of you, pretty boy. "You don't have to kneel for me." He stands up and we both lock eyes for a moment. "Dr. Terrance what are you doing here with him?" Eve asks.

"Ardeth and I are apart of a secret organization that was created to make sure the priest doesn't come back from the dead. But now we have to focus on putting him back to the Underworld." Dr. Terrance states.

Soon a mob of people chanting Imnotep approached the museum to get the final cursed man and the sacred jar. We all run to the car that Jonathan started and when one member of the mob tried to grab me, Ardeth chopped off his arm and sliced through his face. He then lifted me into his arms and placed me into the car.

"Thank you," He nods before focusing on what he was doing before. The car was speeding through and I felt a tug in my chest. I close my eyes and see my hand stretch out, but I wasn't wearing what I was wearing back in Egypt. I had paint on my arms and hands. I could push away large blocks of concrete with my mind. I was snapped back into reality and I lift my hand towards the mass of people.

They all stop running and I throw them into the wall. Everyone in the car looks to me and Ardeth says, "You saw a vision of your destiny, didn't you, any Queen?" "Yes," "Are you apart of that destiny, Arbeth?" "You'll find out soon enough," I look to him and the next thing I knew, we are crashing. I fall into the car and Ardeth covered me.

"Are you okay?" I nod and he pulls me out of the car. I walk to the front of the building and Imnotep walks through the remaining of the mob. Imnotep wanted Eve as a sacrifice her to revive his true love. Eve complied with hesitance from me and O'Connell. When they left, the mob advanced towards us and I pushed them back with my powers. They came back much faster than expected and O'Connel grabbed me and threw me into the sewer.

He threw everybody down but Dr. Terrance didn't make it.


Throughout the fight, Ardeth and I fought side by side the entire time. I met the other Medjai and they all bowed to me. I insisted that they didn't and all of a sudden it was time to part ways. O'Connell, Jonathan and Eve were waiting for me but I find myself climbing on top of his horse and kissing him. You only live once and I never knew if would ever see him again. But I have a strong feeling that I will.

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