You're Who? [2/2]

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"They can't know about Dad. Not right now." Aisha states. "Alright," I say. "Incoming," Aisha states. I look up to see Jensen walking in my direction. "Go flirt some more with Clay," I direct. "Are you serious? We're not done discussing the plan." "We'll discuss the plan later. Goodbye." I say through gritted teeth.

She huffs and rolls her eyes before leaving. "Aw, did I scare her away?" Jensen asks as he rubs his goatee. "Nope. I just wanted you all to myself," I stay before setting my gun down. "Do you now?" He smiles. "Yes," I say, smiling back. I sit on the table and reach over to gently take his glasses off of his face and I am shook as to how more attractive he is without his glasses.

"Damn," I say aloud. "What?" "You're really hot," I say, placing his glasses on my face. "Nowhere near as hot as you. You're a twenty on a one out of ten scale." He states. "How do you look better in my glasses than I do?" He adds. "Well to be fair, I look good in a lot of things." I say with a cute head tilt.

"Oh yeah? And how good would you look in the lack of things?" He says. He steps closer to me and places a hand on either side of me. "Wanna find out for yourself?" "Don't tease me," he whines. "Jensen! We need you to run a few algorithms." Clay says. "I'll be right there," "You need some help with that?" I ask, giving him back his glasses.

"You know algorithms?" "I learn a few to hack into a few major databases." His lips part with surprise. My God, his lips are so damn thick and luscious. "Marry me," He says, making me laugh.


We arrived at the hotel and while Aisha was seducing Clay a few doors down, I decided to stay with the boys. I'm currently sitting in Jensen's lap as he looks at what team his niece is playing. He has his hands rested on my hips and his face rests on my shoulder.

"Oh shit," he says. "What?" "My niece's team is fucked. Look at the team they're playing." I look at the picture and say, "Damn, are those even children?" "That's what I'm saying," "You smell good," He says, pressing a kiss on my shoulder. "Thank you," I said with a chuckle. Roque walks in and everyone went silent.

He glances at me and I clench my jaw. Jensen pulls me closer to him and I smiled lightly.
Roque offers me his hand and I look up at him with confusion. "I'm sorry for judging you before I even got a chance to know. You deserved better." Roque says. I link hands with him and shake his hand.

"Awe, look at you making friends." Jensen teases. He caresses my arm and sighs deeply. Uh-oh two signs that he's about to say something sentimental.

"After everything is over, what do you plan on doing?" "Uh, probably go back to Columbia with Aisha. Why?" "Well, what if you don't go back? What if you.. you know..." He trails off, unsure of what my reaction would be. "If I what? Stay with you or something?" I finish. "Maybe, I don't.. I don't know."

"I would love that," His eyes snap up to meet mine and a wide smile tugs on his lips. "Are you serious? You're actually saying yes to moving in with me?" "Yes I am," I hold the side of his face and pull him closer for a kiss. He deepens the kiss as his lips encapsulated mine. His fingers run through my hair and I gently nibble on his bottom lip.

"Get a room you two," Pooch teases as we pull away from each other. This is going to make things much harder for me to do what Aisha is telling me to do. I can't betray them now that they've invited into their own dysfunctional family.


So they found out faster than expected and now I find myself running into the room where Clay and Aisha were. Aisha shoots up and covers herself with the blanket. "Y/N, what the hell?" She scolds. "No time for that. They know," "How do they know? Did you tell them?" "No of course not. Jensen out when he tracked Max's money."

"Shit!" She says. "What the hell is going on here?" Clay asks. The rest of the team rushes in and I take out my gun and aim it at them. "I knew it. I knew something wasn't right with them," Roque states. I glance over to see Aisha with guns aimed at them too. "So you are guys really are Fadhil's daughters?" Jensen asks.

"I'm sorry, J, truly." I say. "Just my luck huh?" He states. Aisha aims her gun at Jensen and my heart jumps. "You're going to let us out of this hotel room, or else lover boy here gets a bullet in between the eyes." I aim my gun at Aisha and she looks at me with disbelief. "Take your stuff and leave, Aisha."

She begins to laugh and states, "You know, I always thought that it would be me catching feelings on a mission. But I guess I was wrong." I cock my gun and say, "Take your stuff and leave, Aisha. I will not hesitate to blow out your knees. Then we both would be fucked, won't we?" I state. Aisha rolls her eyes and put on her clothes before leaving. I tuck away my gun and sigh deeply.

"Fellas, we remember the last time you all went against me. It didn't end well for you." I say. I give Jensen one last glance before leaving the hotel room.


Aisha, the boys and I ended up getting back together again to kill Max and a rogue Roque. I haven't spoken to Jensen since the hotel because I had no words to say. Jensen and I were in the backseat and I could feel his gaze on me. "I'm not mad at you for what happened. You were avenging your Dad. That's.. understandable."

"But you probably won't trust me again," "I never said that you broke my trust,""How. How could you trust me after that?" "Because I know that it wasn't just me that was feeling what I was feeling." I feel his hand on my thigh and I slowly looked up to see him leaning in. His gaze moves from my eyes to my lips before holding the side of my face slamming his lips onto mine.

"You did what you had to for your family. How could I fault you for that?" He says as he pulls away.

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