You Talk Too Damn Much [2/2]

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This is going to be the longest minute of my life," Paul states. "Oh shut up," Y/N scolds before grabbing his face and slamming her lips on his. They both inhale slowly and Y/N moves closer to him. He cups the side of her face and kisses her deeply.

With every kiss that they share, Paul's heart races. Visions erupt in his mind of Y/N and him cuddling one another in the bed or Paul holding her as they bathe together. Y/N was having those same visions and her skin started to get really hot. The next thing they knew, the minute was over and Y/N was running towards her car. Paul was running after her and calling her name.

"What just happened?" Jared asks. Y/N opened her car door and Paul closed it before she could go inside. "Just stop, Y/N." Paul says. "Why? We hated each other before and now, what, we're in love? This is ridiculous." "We can't control who we imprint on," Paul explains. "That's what got me into trouble in the first place."

She moves to open the door again and he closes it again. "I'm sorry about how I treated you at first. I didn't think-" "Nobody ever does. It doesn't mean anything, Paul," Paul tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. "You and I both know thats not true. I know you felt what I felt."

He walks he against her car and she holds onto his wrists. He rests his forehead against hers and she moves herself so that she is resting her face into his neck. He wraps his arms around her and held each other.


Y/N slowly started to get out of her shell, but Y/N still hasn't broke her sense of independence. So when Y/N was working out in the backyard, Y/S/N told the rest of the pack about Y/N.

"Y/N's first imprint was on a vampire, his name was Drew. They were in nearly the same classes with one another and he actually liked her. About two months in, they were inseparable. They fell deeply in love and they were thriving. Then a couple of Volturi's henchmen came and Drew was had to leave in order to save himself. And he left without leaving Y/N so much as a letter. And that broke her in ways more than one. To say that she was depressed was an understatement. She didn't want live if it didn't involve him. It wasn't until now th-"

"Really?" Y/N says. "You never could keep your damn mouth shut," She adds. "They needed-" "Whether they know about him or not is my decision. Do you realize that every time you mention his name, I feel like my heart is being ripped out of my chest all over again." Y/N snaps with tears brimming in her eyes. She walks back out of the house and Y/S/N calls after her.

"Y/N, wait." "You are the worst sister that I could ever ask for." Y/N says before phasing and running into the woods. Y/S/N placed a hand over her mouth before sobbing softly. Jacob comforted her and Paul said, "I'll go find her,"


Paul tried to find her but she actively hid from him. She found herself wandering into vampire territory as she collapsed with exhaustion. Jasper and Alice found her and brought her into their house. They each took turns watching over her so she didn't destroy the house. She eventually woke up a few days later with an abrupt gasp.

She noticed the strong smell of bloodsuckers and jumps to her feet. Everyone except Carlisle was on guard. "Hello, my name is Carlisle, and this is my family. We found you passed out with exhaustion in the woods and brought you home." She looks around and he adds, "We're not here to hurt you. We just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Why would a bunch of vampires care about my wellbeing?" She asks. Jasper cocks his head to the side as he looks at her with confusion. He sends something different about her, but he just couldn't put his finger on it. "Because they're not like other vampires," Bella states.

"Like I haven't heard that before." Y/N says under her breath. "And I'm sure Jacob was ecstatic that you are hanging with the vamps." She adds. She cracks her neck before saying, "Thank you the hospitality," she makes her way towards the door and Jasper speeds in front of her.

"Jasper, what are you doing?" Alice asks. He grabs onto Y/N's arm and an unparalleled force pushed him into the wall. This triggered the other vampires except Carlisle and Esme, and she did the same thing to them. "Wha- What are you?" Emmett asks. "I don't know.. I'm.." "You're a wolf, but you have abilities.. is there a way you could be a-" "No way. I am not a hybrid. My moth-" "Isn't Y/S/N your half sister," "That doesn't matter. I am not a hybrid."

"I haven't seen anybody like this bet-" The front door bursts open and everyone looked to see Paul. "You let her go, or else I will tear you to pieces." He threatens. "Im okay, Paul." Y/N goes over to him. "If you want to know more about your abilities, we will be glad to help you." Carlisle says.

"She doesn't need help from any of you bloodsuckers. Let's go, Y/N." Paul advances towards the door and Y/N gives one last glance to Carlisle before leaving.

"What the hell was that? What were you doing with those blood suckers? I spent every hour of every day looking for you and you were over their house?!" "I just needed to clear my head and I collapsed with exhaustion. They found me and brought me back home." "I'm sorry," she adds.

Paul sighs deeply and says, "I'm sorry too. I was just worried about you." He grabs the sides of her face before resting his forehead on hers.

Multifandom!!! (Book 2) {CLOSED}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora