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A/N: This story is based on the movie Red Sea Diving Resort. It's available on Netflix and Chris Evans is in it. He even has a nude scene, so that's a plus. But anything, it's based on a true story and it's actually pretty interesting.
This originally was suppose to me smut, but I've been writing a lot of that lately so I decided to make it fluff instead.
Third Person POV
Ari approaches the receptionist and asks, "Is he in?" "Yes, but—" "Thanks," He walks passed the receptionist and walks right into the chief's office. "You look like shit." Chief says as he hands Ari a drink. "Thanks. I smell like shit too. I've been undercover for six months." Ari defends.

"You should go back to your family, Ari. Spend sometime with them." "What? Why?... are you pulling the plug on this?" "Yes," "Are you serious? Who else is going to take over this?" They continued to argue and the receptionist looked at the door with wide eyes. After a few moments of arguing,

Ari takes his belongings and bursts out of the room. He drove his car home and kicked the pile of mail into his apartment. The silence of the house was deafening. There was no way he could sleep in that house all alone.

He was so used to the loudness of Ethopia that the silence put him on edge. So he went to the place he knew he would be safe: Y/N's house. Y/N and Steve met five years ago when Y/N moved from Alaska for a change of scenery. They first met a local coffee shop, hit it off and became best friends ever since. She was his best man at his wedding, which he knew went against morals but he didn't care.

He drove to her house and knocked on the door incessantly. Y/N peels herself from her bed only in her bra and underwear and waddles her way to her door. She opens the door and say Ari through her blurry, drunken eyes. "Ari? Wha— what are you going here? Aren't you suppose to be in Amsterdam or something?" She asks.

"Amst— Y/N are you drunk?" He asks. "Actually, I am drunk AND tired. I don't even know if you're really here right now." "Are you going to let me in or not?" "Help yourself, not-so-real-Ari." Y/N opens the door wide enough and Ari walks in. "Where's your booze at?" "In my stomach," "you drank all of your whiskey and beer?"

"Don't judge me, I went through a bad break up. Let me cope." "You better have not driven, Y/N. If I find out you did, I will kill you." "Yeah, yeah." Y/N brushes off as she makes her way back into the bedroom. "feel free to eat whatever is in the fridge. If you're still here tomorrow morning, when I'm semi-sober, then we can talk." She adds.

Ari leans his palms on the cold kitchen counter. He looks around the apartment and there are bottles of beer and whole whiskey bottles littering the tables. "Must have been some break up," Ari says to himself. He follows Y/N to the bedroom and collapses on the bed next to her.

She rolls onto him and rests her face in his neck as she hiked her leg on his waist. She moved as if he never left. "I missed you," Ari admits. Y/N hums in response before dozing off. The next morning, Y/N feels a weight on her back and she is immediately on guard. Her eyes snap open when she sees a lightly tanned, hairy arm wrap around her waist.

She slowly shifts onto her back to see Ari's face buried into the pillow with his hair covering the remaining of his face. Despite his face being covered, she knew it was him from all of the years of knowing him.

He looks pretty bad. Like he hadn't been getting any good nights sleep recently. Though her head is pounding from her hangover, she finds herself facing him and resting her face into his shoulder as she snuggle deeper under the covers. She falls back asleep and they sleep in until 12:30.

Y/N gets up before Ari again and makes them brunch. The smell of Y/N's cooking waked Ari up and he follows the smell to the kitchen. "If there's one thing that I missed about you, it's your cooking." Ari say as he sits on the stool of the counter.

"Those cooks made you look like Martha Stewart." He adds, making Y/N chuckle. "Your welcome," she says. "Now, come here. I didn't give you a proper 'welcome home'." She adds as she walks over to him with open arms. Ari embraces her and sighs deeply. "I missed you," Ari states. "I missed you too," She says, making him sigh in relief.

Ari thinks back to Y/N slurring on about her bad break up. "So what was the breakup you were talking about?" He asks. "Oh nothing. Just the common fell-for-the-wrong-guy spiel." "Do I need to have a talk this guy?" Ari asks as he pulls away. "The last thing that I need is testifying for you after you kick his teeth in." "Well you've stayed in shape when you were over there." She adds.

"Thank you," Y/N face creases with concern and Ari knew exactly what she was about to ask. "No, she hasn't texted or called me at all since I came back." Ari answers. "I can talk to her if you want. In a non-violent way.." "No im.. I'll be okay. She already thinks that there's something between us. That will only make things worse."

"Oh my God, what's up with people and thinking we're a couple! What? A guy and a girl can't be just friends? My damn!" "I know, it gets annoying." "It's like we need to hide away in some abandoned hotel or something. Away from society." Y/N says as she continues to cook her food. The gears were turning in Ari's brain as the words hide, away and abandoned spin in his mind.

Ari jumps off of the stool and says, "I think you might be onto something," "Onto what?" "I have to go. I'll see you later." He states. He grips Y/N's face and places a long kiss on her forehead. "You're a genius," He says before leaving, leaving a very confused Y/N behind.

At six in the morning the next day, Ari comes back. He knocked on the door and Y/N peeled herself from the bed again. "Oh for godssake, Ari. Where's your key?" Y/N snarks as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes. "I left it back at my apartment," "You suck. How I can't go back to sleep."

She walks towards the kitchen and Ari closes the door behind as he walk in.  "You gave me an idea on how to get Ethiopian Jews out of Ethiopia and into Israel." He starts. Y/N puts the coffee into the coffee filter before putting into the maker. "Surprisingly, the Chief and the big boss approved of my plan, and they say that I need a team of agents on the ground with me."

"Did you find your team?" "Yes," "But I just need to add one more," Ari trails off. Y/N looks to him and immediately shakes her head no. "What? No, Ari. Are you completely out of your mind? No I'm not going to go with you on this mission." "Why not? It was your idea—" "That was not my idea. I may have inspired the idea. But I have no idea what you were doing over there. I didn't even know where you were until just now."

"You were a soldier—" "A soldier and an undercover agent are completely different things. If I go on this mission, I'm going to get you killed. And I don't want that on my conscience." "You aren't going to kill me," "You don't know that. You don't know they, Ari. I can't do it. I won't do it. Just pick someone else."

"Don't you have Sammy?" "Yes—" "Then you don't need me. What do you need me for? Your right hand man or something?" "Precisely," "Absolutely not! Are you high on drugs o something?" "Y/N, listen to me." Ari holds Y/N's face in his hands. "There is no one on this continent that I trust more than you. You will have my back, just like you had your platoon's back in Afghanistan."

"Don't talk about Afghanistan," Y/N snaps as she pulls away from him. "You did whatever it took to bring your people home." "That doesn't mean I feel any better about what I did." "I don't want you to get her because of me. You're safer with your team of agents." Y/N adds.

"I'll be safer if you're with me instead of in here, drinking your sorrows away." He explains. "Fuck you, Ari. There's knowledge about being an agent. International knowledge. Knowledge that I don't know." "When is this mission?"

Ari sighs as he runs a hand over his face. "Three weeks," "how the hell am I suppose to learn six months of training in three weeks!" "Y/N, calm down." "No, I'm not going to calm down! You're not seeing all of the things that could go wrong here!" "The mere fact that I am a woman. A colored woman. Invites suspicion. I'll shut you guys down before you start."

"You don't know that!" "Why are you willing to take that risk?" "Because I believe in you. And I trust you. Clearly more than you believe in yourself." Ari says. "Just at least here the plan out. If you don't like it, then i won't hold it against you." Y/N looks at him and sighs in defeat. "Fine,"

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