You're Who? (A Losers Story) [1/2]

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A/N: For those of who don't know what the movie The Losers is, you should look it up and check it out. It's free on demand from what I know and it's pretty funny and has a lot of action in it. Chris Evans, Jeffrey Morgan and Idris Elba are in it and Chris is pretty much the comic relief. I highly recommend it.
Silent tears run down my face as I think of how my father was killed. He was a businessman. He liked the idea of having connections everywhere. And the wrong kind of connection is what got him killed. He put his heart and soul into his business life, and his country. But not enough time for his wife and kids. No wonder Mom left him.

"I have an idea," Aisha states as she bursts into my apartment. "Gee, thanks for knocking." I say, wiping my tears quickly so she wouldn't see. She never saw me cry. Even when we were kids, she never saw me cry.

Aisha is my sister and () is our father. I'm the oldest and I've been taking care of Aisha since I was born. "There was a group of men that were pronounced dead in the news." She says as she places a laptop in front of me with pictures and their names under them. "Okay, and what about them?"

"They're not actually dead. They faked their death to hide from Max, and-" "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Hold on. We don't know for sure that Max killed Dad." "Oh my God. We're going through this again? Why did you refuse to believe in me for once?" "It's not that I don't believe in you. I just think this is a reach. Dad had many business partners and he definitely had many enemies. Finding who actually killed him won't do anything besides drive us mad."

"So you just want to what? Allow the person that killed him get away with it." "I think we should move on. It's been three months, Ash." "Well I'm sorry that I don't hate him as much as you do. I'm sorry that I actually loved him and cared for him." She snaps. Her voice trembles with every word.

"He never gave us the time of day, Aisha. There are things that I remember about him that you don't, and it's best that you don't. We need to move on with our lives. Dwelling on the past won't get you anywhere." "I am a hundred percent confident that Max killed our father. I already spoke to Clay last night and I am meeting with him and his team later on today. Come if you want, but I'm not going to let you pull me back. Not when I feel like this." she says.

I scroll through the articles on the laptop she gave me and sighs deeply. "You're a hundred percent sure?" I state. "Hundred percent," she repeats. "Where do we meet them?"


Third Person POV
"Jensen, what have you got on her?" Clay asks. "Besides a pant-busting crush? A couple of bans and warrants for her arrest." Jensen says. "Who even is this chick, Clay?" Rogue asks. "I met her last night and she said she knows information about Max. She wants to help us find him." "Why? What's her reasoning behind her wanting to help us?" Pooch asks.

Before Clay could answer, Roque says, "I already don't trust this chic. You have horrible taste in women." "What. No, I don't." Clay defends. "The last chick you hooked up with put a bomb under your car, Clay!" Roque contradicts. "She was volatile."

Aisha and Y/N were listening to the conversation and Y/N says, "Looks like you've found your other half, Ash. The person that had the same amount of romantic discrepancies that you've had." "Oh shut up," she whispers, making Y/N smile to herself.

"Girl. It's been a while since someone called me that," Aisha says as she stands up on a tombstone. Y/N rolls her eyes and stands next to her.

"And who are you?" Clay says me. "Her older sister," "She didn't mention a sister." "She fails to mention a lot of things. I didn't even know you guys existed until.." I trail off as I look at my watch. "Four hours ago," I add. "And she's worth more than all of you combined, so she stays." Aisha says. "Who are you to boss us around?" A tall, African American man says as she approaches Aisha.

I stand in between them and say, "You need to back the hell up," "Or what?" "Roque," Clay warns. Roque pulls out an insanely thick blade and I am immediately on guard. He caresses my cheek with the blade and taunts, "You wanna play, little girl?" I slam my arm on the crook of his elbow and punch him across the face before sending a spinning back kick to his chest.

He falls on his back and I kick the back of Clay's leg and take his arm into my hands as I twist my body and throw him over my leg. I duck underneath Pooch's arm and I push away his arm, leaving him open. I punch him twice in the face, making him walk backwards with every punch. I hit him in the jaw with his spinning wheel kick. I reach under my belt and take out my knife and gun.

I aim the gun at Cougar and I rest the blade on Jensen's adam's apple. "Clay, make her stop." Jensen says nervously. "Okay, we get it. She's badass. She can stay." Clay says, standing from the ground. He groans as he tried to crack his back into place. "Her not coming was never an option." Aisha says. "Can you please tell her to calm down?" Clay asks Aisha.

"You can speak to me directly. She's not my keeper. And I wouldn't have done this if your boy Roque didn't provoke me." I state. "Y/N, calmate" Aisha says. I roll my eyes before putting down my weapons.

I cross my arms and huff deeply. "We can definitely use her if we are going to pull this off." Pooch says as he rubbed his sore jaw.


Third Person's POV
Since the graveyard, Jensen has been infatuated with Y/N. Whenever he catches her smiling or laughing or signing, his heart flutters, and if she's in the room, he starts to sweat and his hands get clammy. He's been wanting to talk to her, but he had no idea how to even talk to a goddess like her.

Currently, Y/N and Aisha were talking amongst themselves as Y/N cleans her weapons attentively."Stop being a pussy and go over there." Pooch says to Jensen. Jensen looks up at him and Pooch nods. He sighs deeply before standing up and saying, "Well, here goes nothing."

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