Chapter 2

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Melody rounded the corner back towards Abel's room. A man she didn't recognize stood outside the room. He turned hearing her come closer.

"Family only" he said gruffly.

"I'm Wendy's sister, I need to speak to Gemma" Melody lightly tapped on the glass and looked straight at Gemma who then came out of the room.

"Is Wendy okay?" She asked and Melody held back the urge to punch her.

"I know what you did" Melody hissed.

"I didn't do anything darling, if she got into some drugs, she did that all by herself"

"Funny, I didn't mention anything about drugs" Melody spat and Gemma rolled her eyes.

"Yeah? So what, you can't prove it was me and who's going to believe some junky whore" Gemma smirked and Melody swung. Before her fist could make contact she was yanked away.

"You don't touch my old lady" the man growled. Tears welled up in Melody's eyes.

"You're a terrible person" Melody headed back to be with her sister even though she was placed in a coma.

Next day

Melody headed back to the hospital from her hotel, anxious to see Abel. She also prayed Gemma wouldn't be there, but somehow doubted it. First, Melody headed in to see Wendy. Opening the door, she was surprised to see Jax sitting next to her.

"Sorry, I'll give you some space" she said about to leave.

"No that's okay, I actually wanted to talk to you" Jax said, he stood up and led her out of the room. "Look I'm not sure what happened between you and my mom but I think you should stay in Charming for awhile"

"Your mom isn't going to keep me from Abel is she?" Melody questioned and Jax chuckled.

"I won't lie, she probably will try, but blood is blood and I'm his father, what I say goes" Melody smiled a little.

"I was just going to see him if you wanted to come" Jax nodded and they headed towards Abel's room.

"So, what do you do for a living"

"I've been a vet for about three years now, and opened my own clinic a year and a half ago" they arrived at Abel's room and headed inside.

"That's pretty impressive for someone so young" Jax stated.

"I'm only two years younger than Wendy" Melody laughed and then looked towards Abel. "I have to head back up to Sacramento tomorrow to settle some business and then I was going to look for an apartment down here"

"So you'll be staying for awhile then" Jax asked leaning against the wall.

"Yeah, right now Wendy and Abel are the only family I got, I want to make sure they're both doing okay before I even think of going home." Then the two talked for awhile. Melody learned about the motorcycle club he's in and that he's a mechanic. She told him a little about herself and Wendy growing up. The pair kept peaking over at Abel once and awhile not realizing how close he would bring the two of them.

A few days later

Melody headed towards Charming after finishing some business up in Sacramento. She asked Charlie, a vet at her clinic if he would take over for awhile, which he agreed to. She also packed up most of her belongings and found someone to rent out her house for the time being. Jax had also suggested she give the local vet's office a call to see if she could help out while she was in Charming. Melody was on her way to the apartment she was renting to get unpacked. She rented a small one bedroom above a local business along the main strip of Charming.

After taking the day to unpack and settle in, Melody headed to the hospital, excited to see Abel again. Peering into the incubator, Melody smiled at the beautiful boy inside. He was starting to look better even after the few days she had been gone. Melody enjoyed the peace and quiet until a voice interrupted.

"Excuse me, family only" a woman's voice called out. Melody turned around to face a doctor with brown hair and a serious look on her face.

"I'm his aunt" Melody replied and the doctor scuffed.

"Jax Teller doesn't have a sister, you need to leave before I call security" the doctor hissed and Melody tensed up.

"I'm Wendy's sister, page the doctor on her case, he knows who I am or if you know Jax so well ask him" Melody replied and the doctor stalked off leaving Melody to her peace and quiet.

"Hey, I didn't know you were back" Jax's voice rang out from behind her.

"Just got back this morning, spent the day unpacking and then came straight here to see my favorite little man" Melody smiled and turned to Jax. "By the way I'm not sure how close you are to the doctor on Abel's case, but she threatened to call security on me"

"Must've been Tara, we dated in high school, she's pretty protective of Abel right now because he's had a rough start" Jax replied and Melody smiled.

"I don't think she's being protective over Abel, I think she's being protective over someone else" Jax looked puzzled and then shook his head.

"No way, she's a doctor now and I'm an outlaw biker" Jax replied and Melody rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you say" Melody mumbled.

"Kind of a weird question, there's a carnival happening today and I was wondering if you wanted to come, seeing as you're new in town and should probably meet some people" Melody agreed and the two headed out of the hospital. Melody wanted to head back to her apartment to change and told Jax she'd meet him there. Changing into some skinny jeans and a tight purple tank top, Melody quick checked her makeup and then applied a quick touch up. Throwing on some black vans, she quickly headed towards the carnival, deciding to walk to avoid parking. Jax noticed her pretty quickly and waved her over.

"Mom you've met Melody" they both said a quiet hello and then Jax introduced the two other men. "Clay you kinda met Melody and Tig, this is Melody, Wendy's sister"

"Well well, it's nice to meet you darling" Tig stuck out his hand and when Melody went to shake it, he instead brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it.

"Absolutely not Tig, that's my kid's aunt" Jax said making Tig smirk. Melody was then quickly and briefly introduced to the Oswald's. Then Melody, Tig and Jax split off from Gemma and Clay which she was more than happy to do. "Hey Bobby!" Jax called out waving to a short man with long hair. "This is Melody, Wendy's sister" the two were introduced and then the four of them walked around. Jax paid to dunk the clown who was teasing them.

"Tell you what, that little lady right there can have a free shot, but she misses and I get to take her home and get her wet" the clown taunted. Suddenly, Tig headed toward the button and pressed it while Jax and Bobby headed over to the tank to hold him down.

"Guys stop it" Melody called out trying to pull them away from him.

"Sorry Melody, you're family now, we don't let family get treated like that" Jax let the clown up but grabbed his collar. "Now say sorry to the little lady" he spat and the clown stuttered an apology.

"I uh, I'm going to head home"

"Melody wait" Jax called out, but Melody kept walking.

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