Chapter 4

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The next day, Melody got ready for work. She shrugged on her lab coat and look at herself in the mirror. She had on gray dress pants and a pale blue button down she tucked in. Satisfied with her appearance she headed out of her apartment and to her car.

"What the" Melody said to herself when she saw what looked to be a grown man in nothing but a diaper and boots. He had a couple tattoos including two on his head. She pulled up next to him and rolled down her window. "Hey, uh you need a ride?" She asked and he approached her window. "SAMCRO huh? I'm Wendy's sister, Melody"

"This has got to be the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me" he said climbing in the car and she giggled.

"I figured you looked like a biker even in a diaper" she giggled again.

"I'm Juice by the way, can you take me to the nearest bridge so I can jump?" He asked.

"Very funny, you got an address?"

"You can take me back to the clubhouse actually" Melody admitted she has never been to the clubhouse and Juice gave her directions.

"You're bleeding by the way" she said handing him a napkin.

"Yeah, the guys stapled a sign to my chest" Melody gasped and Juice chuckled. "Don't worry I'll live"

"Well remind me not to mess with anyone around here" Melody said handing him another napkin.

"Well thanks for the ride, you saved me from even more embarrassment, I owe you" Juice said as she pulled into the lot.

"Don't worry about it" Melody waved goodbye and headed to work. The clinic was small and owned by an older man named Tom Davidson. "Hi, I'm Melody Case, the new veterinarian" she said to the lady at the front desk.

"I'll get Tom, I'm Grace by way" They shook hands and Grace headed into the back. Soon a man with gray hair and a lab coat came out to greet her.

"Ah Melody it's great to meet you, come on back I'll give you a tour" There were two exam rooms and one operating room and a small office in the back. "It's not much, but it's something" Melody smiled and nodded. "We're not open on weekends, but it's a small town and people tend to call and ask for a house visit, so it doesn't hurt to have your number as unlisted" He chuckled and Melody smiled.

"It's great, I'm ready to jump in, but if you want me to hold off for a few days I understand"

"Be my guest, I'm getting too old for this anyway" Tom said walking her back out to the front.

"Oh stop" Melody laughed and Grace told her she had someone waiting. "Hi, I'm Melody Case, I'm new to the practice and I want to assure you that your dog is in good hands" Melody shook hands with the woman and led her into the first exam room. It was a long day, but five o'clock came pretty fast.

"Hey Melody, by the way this weekend is Taste of Charming, some of the local businesses come out to help raise money for the school district, I have a booth and my wife makes her famous rhubarb pie and I was thinking you'd like to make something and help out, it'd be a good opportunity to get to know some people" Melody agreed and helped close up.

The rest of the week was pretty much the same routine. Melody went to work and then visited Abel. She occasionally ran into Jax and or Gemma and they'd sit and talk for awhile. Melody decided on peach cobbler for the Taste of Charming event, something she had been making for years. She helped set up the booth and noticed Gemma setting up as well. Later in the day Melody was introduced to the rest of the club but stuck to her own booth to help out.

"I'll take some peach cobbler" Melody turned to face Jax and smiled.

"With vanilla ice cream?" She asked and he nodded. She grabbed a bowl and placed a scoop of peach cobbler and a scoop of ice cream into it and slid it towards Jax. She handed him a spoon and he took a bite.

"This is damn near the best thing I've ever tasted" Melody laughed and Jax smiled. They talked for a little bit and then Tom shooed them both away telling Melody to enjoy herself. They walked around a bit and then headed towards Gemma's booth.

"Heard you make a pretty good peach cobbler" Gemma said as they approached her.

"It's alright, my grandma taught me when I was little, practically the only thing I'd eat as a kid" Melody said. Jax headed over to talk to Opie leaving Melody alone with Gemma.

"So, got a boyfriend?" Gemma asked.

"What? No, why would you ask that?" Melody said fumbling with her hands.

"Just making conversation" Gemma smirked a little but Melody ignore it. Tig and Bobby headed over to let Gemma know that had to head out. "Jesus Christ Clay" Gemma groaned.

"Sucks being boss don't it?" A man in a police uniform asked.

"That fried stuff is going to kill you" Gemma said.

"Yeah, like the cancer is just keeping me spunky" The man said.

"This is Melody by the way, Abel's aunt, Melody this is Wayne Unser, head of Charming's finest" Gemma said sarcastically.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm sorry about your cancer" Melody said shaking his hand.

"No worries, I'm still kicking aren't I?" Melody nodded in agreement.

"Alright, I think I'm going to head home" Melody said and Gemma frowned.

"You ain't staying for fireworks?" She asked and Melody shook her head.

"Not really my thing, I'll see you later okay?" Melody stopped to say goodbye to Tom and then headed home for the night.

(Just a heads up, this is gonna be a very slow progression of Jax/Melody, BUT it will happen so don't stop reading!)

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