Chapter 23

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"I got Nate to sign, this gives me power of attorney, in case something happens when you're away" Melody said coming into the bedroom where Gemma was packing.

"Thanks" Gemma said.

"He's in good hands Gem, this place is fully staffed and has all the right specialists for Nate's condition" Melody said hoping to comfort Gemma.

"Does it have a garden" Gemma asked and Melody frowned.

"I don't know" Melody admitted.

"I can't believe I'm sending him to a home" Gemma said.

"He'll be taken care of" Melody said.

"He'll die alone, just like she did" Gemma said referring to her mom who had recently passed.


Melody was packing up some stuff for Gemma while she talked to Nate. Someone cleared their throat and Melody looked up from the box she was using. Jax stood in the doorway and Melody's stomach did a flip.

"Hey" She said quietly standing up to greet Jax. They kissed quick and Jax pulled away.

"Is Nate taking all of this?" Jax asked walking deeper into the room.

"No, most of it is going into storage and the rest Gemma wants to donate to the church" Melody said as Jax sat down on the bed.

"We need to talk" Jax said and Melody nodded sitting next to Jax.

"Look Jax-"

"I gotta tell you what's going on" Jax said cutting her off. "They're pulling our bail on the church assault, two days we're all supposed to go back inside" Jax admitted.

"Jesus, what about Abel" Melody said looking up at Jax. A second later Melody pursed her lips and knitted her eyebrows together. "Supposed to?" Jax pulled a piece of paper out of his cut and handed it to Melody. It was a picture of Cameron holding Abel. "Where is he?" Melody asked feeling tears well up in her eyes.

"Vancouver" Jax said.

"You're heading up there?" Melody questioned, but she already knew the answer.

"Yeah, we hired a guy to help track him down, we're taking Gemma, gonna head out after Nate is taken care of" Jax said.

"Did you tell Gemma about Abel yet?" Melody asked and Jax shook his head. Tig knocked on the door alerting them of his presence.

"Hey brother, Clay is looking for you" Tig said and Jax nodded.

"I'll be right there" Jax said and Tig left the couple alone to finish up their conversation.

"The call you got at the shop the other day, it was a misunderstanding" Melody said as Jax reached over to grab a box.

"Alright" Jax said noticing the blood stain on the sheets. "That from Tig?" He asked changing the subject and Melody nodded. "What happened to the girl, wasn't she the one Tig was tapping?" Jax asked and Melody panicked silently.

"Yeah, she went home, back to Guatemala, I think she was freaked out" Melody lied hoping Jax wouldn't notice the fact she couldn't look him in the eye.

"Yeah I bet" Jax said leaving Melody alone to finish packing. Once she was done, she brought all the boxes down into the living room. Gemma was sitting at the dining room table and Melody joined her. Soon the guys returned ready to discuss plans.

"We'll get you set up some place safe, get you some papers" Clay said.

"Maybe you go red head for awhile" Tig suggested.

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