Chapter 19

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Warning mature content

"Jesus" Jax said as Melody came into view.

"Sorry" Melody said leaning against the door frame.

"I thought you were at work" Jax said.

"It was slow today, Tom let me leave" Melody said and Jax nodded.

"Have you been to see my mom yet?" Jax asked and Melody shook her head.

"I was gonna head over in a minute" Melody replied.

"Thanks" Jax kissed her head and then headed for the front door.

"Tom asked me to take a leave" Melody called out following Jax.

"What? Why?" Jax asked and Melody sighed.

"His receptionist is uncomfortable being around me because of my involvement with the club, Tom said she's a family friend and he doesn't want to upset her" Melody said.

"What does this mean for you financially?" Jax asked and Melody shrugged.

"I still have money coming in from my clinic, it's just not that much because I had to hire someone to cover for me, and I'm renting out my house so I'm still in decent shape" Melody answered. "God I'm sorry, I didn't want to bother you with this, it's just, I didn't want another secret to get between us" Melody answered and Jax placed his bag down.

"It's ok" Jax said pulling Melody to him. He kissed her passionately and then hugged her tightly.

"I can't stay here much longer without some sort of commitment" Melody said pulling away from Jax. "I uhm, I can't keep playing house, I need to know that this is headed in a serious direction"


"I'm sorry, I know this is out of the blue but-"

"It's not out of the blue, I don't want you to go back to Sacramento, I want you to stay here with me and Abel, it's always been you Melody" Jax said and Melody felt tears running down her cheeks.

"I've been thinking about giving up my practice" Melody admitted.

"Since when?" Jax asked and Melody laughed.

"Since the moment I saw you holding Abel, but I just really started to consider actually selling it, I already asked the senior vet at my clinic if he'd want to buy me out and he said he would" Melody said and Jax kissed her.

"You don't have to give it up for us" Jax answered and Melody shrugged.

"I'd do anything for the two of you" They kissed again and Jax headed out for the day leaving Melody to her normal routine of caring for Abel and picking up the house.

A couple days later

"You ready?" Jax asked and Melody nodded zipping her last bag and placing it on the ground. They were going into lockdown and Melody had barely any idea what that meant.

"Jax?" Melody said as he picked up a couple bags.

"Yeah?" And that's when Melody kissed him hard. He kissed her back and dropped the bags. Melody pulled him towards the bed and pushed him down. She took her shirt off and climbed on top of Jax. She kissed him again and he flipped her over on to her back. Melody pushed his cut off and pulled his shirt over his head. He unclipped her bra and tossed it aside kissing down her neck and chest. Melody unbuttoned his jeans and Jax grabbed her wrist. "Are you sure?" He asked and Melody nodded furiously.

"I don't know what's going to happen, but I can't let you go out there without giving myself to you completely " Melody replied grabbing the back of his neck and slamming his lips to hers. Jax slid his jeans off and help Melody out of hers. Once the were fully undressed Jax put it in roughly making Melody moan. He thrusted his hips to hers steadily and slowly then began going faster. "Jax" Melody moaned digging her fingernails into his back. After awhile Melody reached her climax just as Jax did too and he released inside of her. He collapsed next to her and pulled her close.

"That was amazing" Jax said and Melody could hear Abel's cries.

"I got him" Melody said kissing Jax and hopping off the bed quickly getting dressed and going in the nursery to grab Abel.

"I'll meet you out by the car" Jax called and Melody grabbed Abel's diaper bag. After Melody buckled Abel in she walked over to Jax.

"I'll see you there" Melody said and pecked his lips.

"Everybody listen up" Tig called out once everyone was settled inside the clubhouse. Clay then began to make a speech.

"You're here because you're family and SAMCRO takes care of its own" After his speech everyone clapped and the guys headed in for church. Melody put Abel down for a nap in Jax's dorm and then headed back out to sit with Gemma.

"You want some coffee doll?" One of the crow eaters asked and Melody waved her off.

"I can get it" Melody said.

"I got it" The woman said sternly. "Cream and sugar?" She asked.

"Black is fine, uhm thanks" The woman then walked off and Gemma leaned over to Melody.

"They need to do that, shows respect" Gemma said.

"Oh please" Melody said rolling her eyes.

"You've earned it sweetheart, you're not some crow eater, you're Jax Teller's old lady"

"We never established that" Melody argued and Gemma scoffed.

"Everyone here knows you're with Jax and that it's headed that way, sooner or later you will be his old lady" Gemma said and Melody blushed. The woman came back and handed Melody her coffee. She sipped at it now and again.

"Think we can get out of here for a little bit? I have some paperwork to grab from the clinic" Melody said and Gemma nodded grabbing her purse and keys.

"I'll be here when you're done" Gemma said once they got to the clinic and Melody headed inside.

"You shouldn't be here" Grace said and Melody rolled her eyes.

"Relax, I just need to finish some paperwork, where's Tom?" Melody asked.

"He had to step out, but he'll be back any minute so don't try anything" Grace spat and Melody ignored her heading into the office. "I said you shouldn't be here" Grace said following Melody into the office.

"You need to relax, I still have a job to do and I'm only staying away because Tom asked me to and I respect him as a person, but don't think he didn't tell me why" Melody spat grabbing a couple files.

"Why don't you just go back to your biker trash of a cult you call a family" Grace taunted and Melody snapped slamming Grace up against the filing cabinet.

"You know nothing" Melody growled.

"You assaulted me! I'm calling the police" Grace screeched walking towards the phone on the desk.

"No" Melody said shoving Grace back and punching her in the face. "That's assault" Melody stated. "I know where you work, where you live and where your husband works, I even know you have children, SAMCRO has police on their payroll and this town in it's pocket, you say a word and it will be the biggest mistake of your life" Melody grabbed her purse off the desk along with a couple files. "And I suggest you tell Tom that you're just fine if I come back to work" Melody said holding out a tissue for Grace's bloody nose.

"That was quick" Gemma said as Melody climbed back into the car.

"Yeah, we better get back to see the boys off" Melody said and for the remainder of the ride Melody was silent. That confrontation was extremely unlike her, but she felt good, almost relieved like it was something she was meant to do.

Not a Crow [Jax Teller ~SOA]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant