Chapter 10

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Everyone cheered when Jax walked in with Abel in his arms. Melody and Gemma took turns holding Abel for most of the night.

"Can I take him?" Wendy asked and Melody nodded placing Abel in her arms. He let out a cry and when Wendy tried comforting him, he cried out louder.

"Here let me try" Melody offered and as soon as Abel was back in her arms, he settled down. Wendy looked horrified and Melody tried comforting her. "He's just used to me" Melody tried to argue but Wendy already left the room.

"Well that was awkward" Jax said as he approached her.

"God, she probably hates me" Melody said and Jax shrugged.

"She'll get over it"

"I've been meaning to talk to you actually" Melody said but it was hard to hear over the party. Jax grabbed her and led her to Abel's room.

"Sorry, any party the club is involved in tends to get loud"

"That's okay, I wanted to let you know my boss gave me two weeks off, I figured I'd come over and stay with Abel during the day, if that's alright with you, I know he's your son and you-" Jax cut her off.

"Why don't you just stay here for the two weeks, you'd really be helping me out" Jax said and Melody smiled.

"I'd like that"

"Good" They stayed in the room a little while longer, enjoying the alone time with Abel. It felt natural, the three of them together.

"Hey Jax!" Someone yelled from the other room. Jax headed out and Melody slowly trailed behind him. Opie and his family were leaving for the night.

"It was nice to meet you Donna" Melody gave her a smile and then they headed out. "Hey Jax could you take Abel? I'm going to head to my place to pack, do you think when I get back you could help me bring Abel's gifts in"

"No problem" Melody placed Abel in Jax's arms and kissed his forehead.

"I'll be back little man" Melody said grabbing her keys and heading out to her car.

"Melody wait" Wendy called following her out to the car. "Can you bring me back to your place for the night?"

"Are you sure? You're leaving soon and won't get to see Abel"

"He doesn't seem to like me anyway" Wendy said coldly.


"Save it, I called the sober living home, they can get me in tomorrow, I'm taking a cab in the morning" Melody nodded her head and quietly drove them to the apartment. She packed her things and said goodbye to Wendy.

"I'm sorry, I hope everything works out" Melody left Wendy and headed down to her car. She decided to take the long way to Jax's house wanting time to herself. It made Melody sad to see her sister angry at her, but what was Melody supposed to do? Only see Abel on holidays like every other aunt? Melody was better than that and she loved Abel more than life itself. She could feel herself blaming Wendy and she hated it. If Wendy really loved and cared for Abel, why would she continue to do drugs? They say mothers feel the love and connection before the baby is even born, so how could Wendy do something knowing it was going to kill her child. Melody cursed at herself for thinking this way, knowing drugs could do a lot to mess with someone. But all her bad thoughts just weighed in the back of her mind.

"Where have you been? I called Wendy and she said you left the apartment almost an hour ago" Jax said as Melody opened the door.

"I'm sorry, Wendy and I had a fight and I just-"

"I was worried" Jax grabbed Melody and held her for awhile.

"Jax I don't understand, it's really not what big of a deal, I was just driving around" Melody said once he let go.

"Donna was murdered" Jax explained.

"Oh Jax" Melody said throwing her arms around his neck. "I'm so sorry, oh god Opie and the kids-"

"They're okay, I thought maybe someone was going around targeting some of the women, but everyone else is fine, that's why I was so worried" Melody felt a couple tears roll down her cheeks. It's not like she knew Donna, they only really met tonight, but Melody cried for the kids and for Opie. She knew what it felt like to lose a parent, both parents in fact.

"I don't even know what to say Jax, what happened?" Melody asked as Jax led her to the living room to sit.

"She was shot driving home" Melody cried a little harder feeling scared and helpless. "Why don't I grab everything from the car and you go check on Abel" Jax said placing his hand on her knee. Melody nodded feeling unable to speak and headed to the nursery. Abel was fast asleep in his crib and Melody just watched the rise and fall of his chest. Soon Jax appeared in the doorway. "I'll take the couch, figured most nights I'll be home late and I don't want to keep waking you up" Jax took Melody's hand and led her to his room. Her bags were at the end of the bed but she couldn't move.

"Jax I'm scared" Her voice barely a whisper.

"I know, but I'm going to keep you safe" Jax said kissing her forehead and Melody nodded. "I'm going to put Abel's things away, give you some privacy if you wanted to get ready for bed" Melody heard the door close and like a zombie she got ready for bed. She wiped her makeup off and placed her hair in a high ponytail. Soon Jax knocked on the door and Melody told him to come in. "I'm going to head off to bed-"

"Stay" Melody said looking up at Jax. "I don't want to be alone tonight" Melody admitted and Jax nodded. Melody climbed into the bed while Jax changed into some sweatpants. Melody was still wide awake when Jax came back into the room. He climbed in beside her and held her tightly hoping she'd feel safer.

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