Chapter 17

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"Hey you" Melody said approaching Jax. It had been a couple days since they kissed and Melody was spending more and more time at the club.

"What's up" Jax asked and Melody smiled.

"Thought maybe you'd wanna come get a late lunch with me" She said pulling Jax to his feet.

"Lunch sounds nice, your treat?" He asked and Melody giggled but before she could say anything else she was cut off by Chibs.

"Shit" He yelled running from a mini van as it exploded.

"Oh my god" Melody said and everyone took off towards Chibs. "He needs an ambulance" Melody yelled checking his pulse. "Chibs, can you hear me?" Melody asked but he didn't move. "He's bleeding out" Melody yelled.

"The ambulance is on its way" Someone called out. Soon the place was flooded with cop cars and fire trucks. Chibs had been rushed to the hospital, but everyone had to stay at the club for questioning.

"Someone planted a car bomb in that van" Melody said approaching Jax.

"We don't know that that's what happened" Jax said and Melody looked up at him confused.

"We watched it happen Jax, I mean why would anyone do that, who would do that" Melody said catching Gemma's eye.

"To be honest, I don't know who did it, probably the same guys who had Otto jumped" Jax admitted.

"Are you in danger?" Melody asked and Jax looked at her but didn't say a word. "Am I?" Melody asked and Jax still stayed silent. "Oh god" Melody groaned.

"Look, I'm sure nothing is going to happen, I told you we'd keep you safe" Jax said pulling her into a hug. "I gotta deal with this ok?" Melody nodded and Jax kissed her forehead leaving her with Gemma.

"It was the same people who attacked you, isn't it?" Melody asked.

"It could've been" Gemma shrugged.

"Gemma I think-"

"I'm not telling anyone what happened" Gemma said cutting Melody off. "And you better keep your mouth shut like you promised" Gemma stalked away from Melody angrily.

Few days later

Melody tried staying at the hospital knowing the guys were trying to handle retaliation and if something happened with Chibs she could let them know.

"I didn't know you smoked" Gemma said approaching her at the entrance of St. Thomas.

"I don't" Melody replied taking a drag of her cigarette and then tossing it to the ground.

"I'm heading up there now to check on him, you coming?" Gemma asked and Melody shook her head.

"Nah that's alright, you let me know if anything's changed, I'll probably be back later tonight" Melody said and Gemma nodded heading inside. Melody headed to the grocery store to grab a few things for Jax's house. "Hey Neeta, I'm just putting some groceries away and then I'm heading back out, he doing alright?" Melody asked.

"He's an angel as always" Neeta said making Melody smile. She then headed to the club hopping to see Jax and give him an update on Chibs.

"How's Chibs doing" Jax asked turning off his motorcycle.

"Gemma called me on the way over, doc said bleeding has stopped, he's still critical but he could be out of the woods soon" Melody said.

"That's good, thanks for checking in on him, we appreciate it" Jax said and Melody smiled.

"I am here to help best I can" Melody leaned against Jax and pecked his lips. "I'll see you later Teller" Melody smirked climbing into her car.

"You just gonna leave me hanging like that?" Jax called after her and Melody laughed. She waved and pulled out of the garage heading to Jax's to relieve Neeta for the night.


Melody startled awake to her phone ringing. She had fallen asleep on the little couch in Abel's room waiting for Jax to get home.

"Hello" Melody answered feeling a little groggy.

"The guys have been arrested" Gemma said and Melody snapped awake.

"I'll call Neeta to see if she can get here sooner and then I'll be right over" Melody said getting up from the couch and digging in her duffel bag for some clothes. "Hey Neeta, anyway you can head on over now? It's an emergency" Melody asked holding the phone to her ear with her shoulder as she changed. Neeta agreed and Melody headed to the club as soon as Neeta walked in the door. "Gemma" Melody breathed as then embraced.

"Come on, their lawyer is here to discuss bail" Gemma said leading her to the couch to sit. He went over the numbers and the charges which were pretty bad. It seems like when they tried to retaliate, they busted into a church full of people. "They're jamming us, seven figure bail and no court date, it's bullshit" Gemma snapped.

"Apparently they have security tapes, women and children running for their lives" He said.

"So what happened to Otto, they got no protection" Gemma fired back.

"What about a bonds man" Melody asked, she had a little experience with bailing Wendy out of jail, but her bail was never this much. It was normally something Melody could just withdrawal from her account.

"You need at least 300k to get the six of them out" He shrugged and Melody felt sick.

"I can post the house" Gemma said.

"I can post mine up in Sacramento and I own the building where I have my clinic, I can post that too" Melody offered.

"Well that could get you Clay and Jax, but that's it" The lawyer admitted.

"No, Clay won't leave them behind" Gemma admitted. He apologized and handed Gemma a note from Clay then left.

"Jesus Christ Gemma, what are we going to do?" Melody asked leaning back against the couch.

"I'll think of something, why don't you head into work, I'll handle things here" Melody nodded and stood up. Gemma pulled her into a hug and kissed her head. "It's gonna be alright"

"I wasn't ready for this" Melody admitted and Gemma laughed.

"No one is ever ready for this, but it'll get easier" Gemma said and with that Melody headed to work feeling knots in her stomach.

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