Chapter 25

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Melody had been avoiding Jax for the past couple of days. She just felt they needed some time away from each other, but it was hard considering she tried to visit Gemma at least once a day. Melody was just leaving the hospital, but Jax caught her in the hallway and pulled her into an empty waiting room.

"I need a favor" Jax said.

"What is it?" Melody asked and Jax sighed.

"My mom told me about the doctor that's on her case and how she's a friend of yours that's helped you out before" Jax said and Melody nodded.

"What about her?" Melody asked.

"The club came into some prescription drugs, mostly HIV stuff, I was wondering if you could ask her if she knows a clinic that could use it" Jax said and Melody bit her lip.

"Don't worry, I know a clinic, I used to take Wendy all the time, they don't call the cops and they give you what you need as long as you can pay" Melody said.

"I just need the name" Jax said making Melody laugh.

"You'll need more than that" Melody said collapsing into a chair.

"What's that supposed to mean" Jax asked and Melody shook her head.

"They're not going to buy drugs from some biker they don't know, I know you need the money, just let me help, they trust me" Melody said and Jax nodded slowly.


Jax picked Melody up in a van and they headed up to the clinic. It was a silent ride and Melody could feel the tension rising. Melody told Jax to wait by the car while she headed inside.

"Hi, Dr. Percy is expecting me" Melody said to the receptionist.

"Name?" The woman asked not even bothering to look up.

"Melody Case" The receptionist then paged the doctor and he came out of the back soon after.

"I didn't expect you to be alone" He said referring to the many times she had brought Wendy here as he guided her into his office. "Wendy finally get clean?" He asked and Melody bit her lip.

"I hope, last I knew she was headed to a sober living house, but I haven't spoken to her in months, but enough about my pathetic life" Melody then filled him in on the situation. "I know it's something you could use considering all the intravenous drug users you treat" Melody said and Dr. Percy nodded.

"I'll have to check them out for myself" He said and Melody agreed leading him outside to the van.

"Jax, this is Dr. Percy" Melody introduced the men and they shook hands. Jax opened the back of the van and Dr. Percy examined the bottles. "Expirations good, all name brand" Melody explained.

"I just don't know if I can get you all the money, there's a lot of red tape to go through to get that kind of cash" Dr. Percy explained and Melody looked to Jax.

"Take it, just get us what you can" Jax said handing him the bags. Dr. Percy thanked them and headed inside. Melody asked Jax to drop her off at the clinic and he agreed. She stayed in the back office going through the books trying to keep herself occupied. Grace and Tom were long gone, but Melody stayed behind not wanting to go home. She heard the bell above the front door jingle and she grabbed the gun from her purse. It was something she bought after everything went down with Cameron. Realizing it was just Jax, she shoved the gun back in her bag and stood up. She headed over to Jax and they sat in the lobby of the clinic.

"What's wrong?" Melody asked noticing the worry in Jax's eyes.

"Sheriffs raided the clubhouse, looking for illegal scripts" Jax said and Melody bit her lip.

"How did they know?" Melody asked knowing Dr. Percy would never rat after all the shit Melody knew.

"You tell me" Jax said harshly.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Melody snapped.

"You said we could trust that doctor" Jax said.

"Dr. Percy wouldn't say anything, I know too much shit about that clinic for them to risk saying anything to anyone" Melody argued.

"Well someone did" Jax said leaning over and looking at the ground. "If I get caught, I can do the years, but you, those charges are serious, your career would be over" Jax said looking back up at her.

"You asked for a favor and I did it" Melody argued.

"I know and I shouldn't have, it's my fault" Jax said and Melody stood up facing away from Jax.

"You're so hot and cold with me Jax, one minute we're fine and the next you're getting mad at me for trying to help" Melody said angrily. "I can't take the pressure anymore, this was a mistake" Melody admitted holding back tears. "Please go" Melody begged not wanting to look Jax in the eyes.

"I'm sorry" Jax said softly leaving Melody alone. As soon as Melody got to the office she collapsed to the ground sobbing. She didn't want to let Jax go, but it hurt too much. Melody took a deep breath and grabbed her stuff. She locked the door and headed to the convenient store down the street.

"Can I get a pack of Marlboro Reds and a lighter?" Melody asked and the cashier nodded.

"That'll be ten forty-seven" Melody put down eleven dollars and grabbed the stuff off the counter. Melody's car was at Jax's but she didn't want to be anywhere near that house. She decided to walk to her apartment that she honestly hadn't been to in weeks, but was now grateful that she had kept it. Melody lit a cigarette and smoked as she walked. Once she arrived she flicked the cigarette to the ground and headed up to the apartment.

Melody grabbed a glass and opened the cabinet above the fridge to grab the bottle of tequila she kept in case of an emergency. She dropped a couple of ice cubes in her glass and poured in the tequila. The liquid burned as it ran down her throat, but it was a feeling Melody welcomed. She wasn't a big drinker, and in reality she only kept the tequila to settle her nerves after a tough day at work. But tonight Melody made an exception, drinking until she felt numb from the pain.

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