Chapter 5

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"Holy shit, Gemma" Melody called out racing towards the girl Gemma had hit in the face with a skateboard. Melody had been wandering around Charming when she noticed Gemma coming out of the drug store.

"Who the hell are you, why did you do that to me" The girl cried out. Melody took off her sweater and held it out for the girl to take. Someone called an ambulance and then the police for obvious reasons.

"Gemma what the hell" Melody said once the police got to them.

"There's a lot you don't know and wouldn't understand right now, I'll explain it some other time" Gemma said as they cuffed her.

"Do you want me to come bail you out?" Melody asked and Gemma shock her head.

"Don't worry about it, I'll call if I need you" Then Gemma was placed in the back of the police car and taken away.

Next day

Melody spent most of the next day with Abel. She read a couple of books so he could hear her voice.

"You're pretty good at that" Jax said coming into view. Melody blushed with embarrassment.

"If I knew you were listening I wouldn't have done the voices" Melody said referring to the silly voices she used.

"It's cute and I'm sure Abel enjoys it" Melody smiled and thanked him. "So what do you do besides work and visit Abel" Jax asked and Melody laughed.

"Hey I went to Fun Town and Taste of Charming" Melody argued and this time Jax laughed.

"You got me there, look if you're ever bored just stop by the clubhouse, one of the guys is almost always there and that way you won't be seen as some kind of loner" Jax teased and Melody rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah, just wait until this kid's first words are Aunt Mel" She teased back.


"Figured it would be easier for the kid to pronounce" Melody shrugged.

"Hey Jax I'm ready to go" A woman Melody was pretty sure was Tara said.

"Oh right, no problem, hey I'll see you later
Mel, don't forget about the clubhouse, we'll all be there later" Jax said making her blush slightly. Melody spent a little more time with Abel and then headed out contemplating going to the clubhouse like Jax had offered. Not sure what to do, Melody stopped at the liquor store for some beer. She parked her car and noticed the guys hanging out by a fighting ring. Jax noticed her first and smiled.

"Thought I'd take you up on that offer" She said. "I also brought beer" Melody raised the thirty pack and set it on the picnic table.

"That's a smart lady right there" Clay said as Melody started handing out beers.

"I'll be right back" Melody said noticing the girl who Gemma hit with a skateboard. "Hey you alright?" Melody asked and the girl nodded. "I'm Melody by the way"

"Cherry" The girl said back.

"Can I ask why Gemma hit you?" Melody asked feeling sorry for the girl.

"I slept with her old man" Cherry replied and Melody knitted her eyebrows together.

"You slept with her dad?" Cherry burst into laughter.

"You ain't one of them, are you?" She questioned and Melody shrugged. "Maybe you should talk to Gemma, she can explain it pretty well" Melody found Gemma in the office doing paperwork.

"May I just say, what the fuck is going on here" Melody asked.

"What do you mean sweetheart?" Gemma replied not looking up for her paper.

"Cherry slept with your dad? Or not because apparently that's not what old man means, but what the hell would it mean?" Melody paced a little.

"Sit" Gemma ordered motioning to a chair across from her. Melody sat down and waited for Gemma to explain. "What an outsider would call a serious boyfriend or husband, we call our old man, to them we're their old ladies, there's a clause where if our old man goes on a trip, they can do what they want or who they want, same for us if they go to prison for some time"

"That's messed up, and why would they go to prison?" Melody questioned and Gemma shrugged.

"I'm sure you can tell by now, these men ain't saints"

"Oh" Melody said softly.

"It's different here, but you'll understand soon enough, now go, I have paperwork to finish" Gemma shooed her out and Melody headed back over to the guys.

"Hey we gotta head out, you can stick around if you want" Jax said but Melody shook her head.

"That's alright, I have some errands to run anyway, see you later?" Melody questioned and Jax smiled.

"Always" The guys headed out and Melody soon followed. Not really having any errands to run Melody stopped at a little shop she had seen earlier and then headed back to the hospital. Pulling into the parking her stomach growled. Deciding she should probably eat, Melody grabbed some lunch from the cafeteria and then headed up to see Abel.

"Hey Abel, Aunt Mel got you a present" Melody held out the small stuffed bear and smiled. "See? I found something smaller than you, I saw it about a week ago and just knew you had to have it" Melody placed it on the chair near the incubator. And then she began to cry. Suddenly the door opened making her jump and wipe away her tears.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay" Clay said putting an arm around her shoulder and giving it a squeeze. Melody let her tears fall a little bit longer as they watches Abel. Soon Jax came in and took over comforting her. Clay stepped out to give them some privacy.

"I'm really sorry Jax, I don't know why I'm crying" Melody wiped away her tears and Jax pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you" He said kissing the top of her head.

"For what?" Melody asked as Jax pulled away.

"Always being here with Abel, I know I teased you earlier, but it's comforting knowing he always has someone here" Melody gave him a small smile.

"God Jax, I just love him so much already, I hate being away especially never really knowing what could happen" Jax nodded in agreement.

"I have to go talk to Clay, I'll be back" Jax said.

"I'll be here" Melody replied watching Abel. She noticed Tara talking to Jax outside, Melody caught Tara's eye and waved. Soon Jax came back in with a smile on his face. "You love her don't you?"

"I told you, she's my ex from high school" Jax replied. "She left me" Melody could tell Jax was hurt.

"Well she's back now" Melody replied patting Jax on the chest. "I'll see you later" She said finally heading home for the night.

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