Chapter 37

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Melody was still in the hospital the next day, but she had sent Jax to retrieve the letters. She had called Charlie to let him know so he wouldn't give Jax any trouble. Melody sat flipping through channels when the door opened. Phil, the prospect who Jax was making sit outside her door entered looking nervous.

"Melody, she said she was family" Phil said stepping to the side to reveal someone Melody would have never expected; Wendy.

"It's okay" Melody said and Phil nodding leaving the women alone. Wendy had a vase of flowers and Melody smiled weakly.

"He's a big one" Wendy joked.

"Yeah, he's sweet though" Melody defended as Wendy placed the flowers down. "What are you doing here?" Melody asked.

"I'm running a program here at the hospital, I know Kate has been working here so I asked about you and she said you were here" Wendy answered and Melody frowned slightly.

"No Wendy, what are you doing here?" Melody repeated shaking her head slightly. "I called the house you were staying at and they told me you didn't want to speak to me" Melody said feeling herself getting upset. "I tried to get in touch with you, I sent letters, emails and I always called to leave messages for you"

"I knew what you would say Melody, you say the same crap when things don't go my way" Wendy said rolling her eyes. "I didn't want your pity"

"I'm your sister and I was worried about you" Melody said angrily.

"I know that" Wendy said her voice trailing off. "Can I ask what happened?" Wendy said after some silence.

"Slammed my hand in a car door" Melody said looking at her cast.

"That sucks, I'm sorry" Wendy said sincerely and Melody nodded pushing her hair out of her face. "Holy shit, what is that?" Wendy asked stepping closer to grab Melody's hand. Wendy examined the diamond ring and wedding band. "Who's the lucky guy?" Wendy asked and Melody bit her lip nervously. "What? Is it the big guy outside?" Wendy joked and Melody cringed closing her eyes.

"Wendy look I-"

"No fucking way" Wendy spat dropping Melody's hand and stepping back.

"Wendy just-"

"No" Wendy yelled cutting Melody off once again. The nurse barged in and glared at Wendy.

"Is there a problem here?" She asked and Wendy shook her head quickly.

"We're okay, I promise" Melody said as the nurse checked her monitors.

"If you say so" The nurse said walking towards the door. "But no more yelling, it's bad for the baby" The nurse said making Melody's eyes snap to Wendy. Her jaw was clenched and she was looking right back at Melody enraged.

"You're having his baby!?" Wendy yelled quietly as soon as the nurse left.

"It just happened okay? I didn't come here to get married and have kids" Melody said fiddling with her ring. "It's not like I stole him from you, you were divorced" Melody argued.

"I can't even look at you right now, tell Jax I'll be in touch" Wendy spat leaving the room. Melody leaned back barely being able to process what the hell just happened. She knew it was only a matter of time before Wendy came back, but she in no way thought it would happen while she was stuck in a hospital bed.

"Hey baby, I brought some food, thought you'd like a real meal" Gemma said coming into the room. Melody looked up at her with tears rolling down her cheeks. "What happened? Are you in pain?" Gemma said rushing to Melody's side.

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