Chapter 34

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(That's what I picture her ring as, just with a plain band, no diamonds)

It had been a few weeks and things just seemed to grow tenser every day. Piney ended up in the hospital after trying to talk to Melody about the letters again. She felt bad, but let him know the letters weren't even in Charming so there was nothing to worry about. She had made a few copies of the more serious letters and agreed to let Piney hold onto them, but she wouldn't tell him where the originals were. Jax was back from a trip the guys had taken, and Melody still hadn't told him about the letters. She wanted to take him up to Sacramento, so they wouldn't be interrupted, but Jax was busy trying to get money for their future.

Melody was vacuuming the bedroom when she hit something under the bed that couldn't be sucked up. She bent now and grabbed the little plastic square.

"Shit" Melody said realizing what it was. She had been on the pill for a while now and when Jax was away she had lost her brand new pack. Melody had shrugged it off knowing Jax was away anyway. She had meant to get it filled again, but it slipped her mind with everything going on. "Shit" Melody said again rushing from the bedroom to the kitchen.

Melody tore the calendar from the fridge and counted the days.

"Fuck" Melody said tossing the calendar to the side. She walked dreadfully to the bathroom and kneeled down to open the cabinet under the sink. Reaching her hand all the way to the back, she felt around for the familiar shape of the rectangular box. She had bought it when she and Jax first got together, but by the time she could be alone to use it, she didn't need it.

She opened the box and tossed it in the sink. Opening the plastic packaging, Melody pulled out the stick and sat on the toilet. Neeta would be back from the park with Abel any minute and Melody was not ready for anyone to know. She didn't even want to know herself.

"Hello, we're back" Neeta called out and Melody tossed the evidence in the bathroom drawer. Finishing her business, she washed her hands and headed out to greet Neeta. Abel was asleep in her arms and Melody smiled at the sight. "He's tuckered out" Neeta said handing Abel over to Melody.

"Looks like it" Melody said bringing Abel to his room and tucking him into bed.

"It's alright if I leave? It's my nieces birthday" Neeta said and Melody nodded closing Abel's door.

"Of course, thank you for taking him out for a little bit, I needed to clean up a bit" Melody said and Neeta smiled.

"He's an angel, you know you can call anytime" As soon as Melody heard Neeta drive off she raced back into the bathroom and yanked the drawer open grabbing the little white stick.


Melody dropped the test in the sink and immediately fell to her knees as she dry heaved over the toilet. She was an idiot, she was always so careful, but with Jax being away for so long, she didn't even bother to make him use protection. Tears blurred her vision as she let out a quiet sob. This complicated everything that she and Jax decided on. One grandbaby would be hard enough to take away from Gemma, but two? A baby made Melody vulnerable and she wasn't sure she was ready to bring another child into this dangerous life. What would Jax say? Would he be mad? They had never even talked about having a baby together and honestly, Melody wanted to be married before she ever had a baby.

"Are you okay mommy?" Abel's quiet voice tore Melody from her thoughts.

"Yeah baby, I'm okay, let's gets some stuff together to go see grandma" Melody said standing up and leading Abel into his room. He picked out a couple of things to bring to the shop while Melody went back to the bathroom to hide the evidence. Then she grabbed Abel and led him to the car. Once she buckled him in his car seat, she pulled out her phone and dialed Kate's number.

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