Chapter 31

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(A lot of time skips)

3 Months In

The first month was hard on Melody. She had found out that Jax turning rat was all planned and he was in no danger with the club. They killed Jimmy O'Phlean and Agent Stahl all according to plan. Abel was still young enough to not really understand what was happening. Melody was still working with Tom at the clinic, but only three days a week; Monday, Wednesday and Friday. By month three Melody felt like a pro, Gemma had taught her what an old lady was to do when the men were away. It was an adjustment, but she was handling it pretty well. She had tried getting in contact with Wendy too at some point, but she had no luck in that department.

Melody grabbed Abel's diaper bag and rushed out the door with Abel. She hadn't told anyone about the letters and she had just finished reading the last few. It was hard to get enough alone time to get to read them. Gemma stopped by a lot, so did Lyla and Opie. In fact, Melody became pretty close with Lyla. It was nice having another female around. When Melody got to the club, she brought Abel into the office to see Gemma.

"How's my grand baby" Gemma asked taking Abel from Melody.

"He's doing good, on his way to saying his first word and he's starting to pull himself up" Melody said smiling at her son. "Could you watch him for a second, I think I left one of his blankets in the clubhouse" Melody said and Gemma nodded. Melody headed into the clubhouse relieved to see Piney. "Hey there" Melody said taking a seat next to him at the bar.

"Hey there sweetheart, Gemma's in the office" Piney said and Melody nodded.

"Just came from there, I was actually looking for you" Melody admitted and Piney looked surprised. "Jax doesn't talk too much about it but I wanted to know more about John's death, do you think it was at all suspicious?" Melody asked.

"He was hit by a semi, nothing suspicious about that, just a plain old accident" Piney said and Melody nodded.

"But maybe it was more than an accident, maybe an enemy of the club planned it" Melody said.

"Nope, just an accident, weren't you going to see Jax today?" Piney asked trying to change the subject.

"Piney, I read some letters that John wrote, he says that you were his best friend, but he never trusted Clay" Melody admitted.

"Enough" Piney said slamming his glass down. "Whatever you want to know, you really don't darlin" Piney said calmly. "you should focus on your family and stay out of the club business" Melody nods slowly, but was disappointed by his answer. "Whatever you read is dead history" Piney said getting up and leaving Melody to her own thoughts.

6 Months In

Melody tried to do what Piney said and just forget what she read. In all reality, it didn't involve her. John died long before Melody even knew Jax, but something just bothered her. To be completely honest, Melody wouldn't be surprised if Clay killed John. He just seemed like the type and after all the trouble Jax had with Clay when he wanted the club out of guns, it fit. But Gemma? It broke Melody's heart to think that Gemma would ever kill someone she claimed to love so dearly, the man who gave her Jax and Jax's younger brother, Thomas.

Melody held Abel in her arms as she emptied her pockets and handed over her purse. They led her down a hallway and into a room. She sat down and waited for Jax to be brought in. She smiled when she saw him and held out Abel so Jax could take him. Jax leaned over and gave Melody a deep kiss.

"How's everything going?" Jax asked and Melody shrugged.

"We're hanging in there, I wish you could see Abel, he's starting to hit some big milestones" Melody said and Jax sighed.

"I'm sorry I can't be there" He said and Melody smiled.

"I understand" Melody said leaning over to kiss his cheek. Abel giggled and clapped his hands making the couple smile.

"I love you Melody" Jax said turning his attention back to her.

"I love you too, only eight more months" Melody said holding back her tears remembering what Gemma told her on their first visit.

First Month In

Melody left Abel at home, figuring this first time would be the hardest on her. Gemma picked her up and the two of the headed up to Stockton. Melody couldn't stop fiddling with the strap of her bag and Gemma had noticed.

"Before we go in, I want to lay down some rules" Gemma said parking the car.

"Gemma, I don't know if I can do this" Melody admitted and Gemma grabbed her hand.

"Look, Jax is locked up and getting to see his family is the only thing that'll keep him going" Gemma said and Melody nodded. "You gotta keep the conversation light, don't need to worry him over anything that's happening on the outside" Melody nodded and bit her lip nervously. "You can't cry in there, you can cry anywhere else but the second you get in that room you hold it in"

"I don't think I can" Melody said feeling the sting of tears in her eyes.

"It's just how it goes baby, you gotta be strong in there for Jax, and make sure he knows you love him and that you ain't going no where" Gemma said.

"I'm in this for the long haul" Melody said and Gemma squeezed her hand.

"Alright, I'll show you how to get in so you can come alone if you need to" Gemma said and they headed inside the prison. The guards took their purses and led them through a metal detector. After a quick pat down they were escorted to private visitation rooms. "I'll go in first to see Jax so you have time to get yourself together" Gemma said and Melody agreed.

Soon Gemma came out and held the door for Melody. As soon as she saw Jax, Gemma's rules played in her head. They embraced and kissed quickly knowing they were being watched. They sat down at the table and Melody held onto Jax's hands.

"How are you?" Jax asked and Melody smiled.

"I miss you, but I'm doing alright" Melody said squeezing Jax's hand.

"I know this is hard on you, but please hang on, we'll get through this" Jax pleaded.

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere, this is where I belong, in Charming with my family" Melody reassured him. "You'll be out before we know it and I say we take a long and very needed vacation" Melody said and Jax smiled. They talked for a little longer until the guard told them their time was up.

"I love you" Jax said and Melody kissed him softly.

"I love you too, hang in there" Melody said and then was escorted out. Gemma was waiting and the pair walked out together after collecting their things. As soon as the door closed behind them, Melody lost it. Gemma pulled Melody into her arms.

"You did good in there, you did good" Gemma said rubbing Melody's back soothingly as continued to sob.

End of Flashbacks

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