Chapter 30

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Next Day

It was official, Melody was now a permanent resident of Charming, California. Melody sold her practice to Charlie and put her house up for sale, the second she got back to Jax's house with Abel. She got lucky too because the people renting her house agreed to take it off her hands. Melody considered buying her own place in Charming, but Jax wouldn't even give her the option. He told her she was crazy and then had the prospects drive up to Sacramento that night to grab the rest of her things from the storage unit she had rented.

When Melody woke up she knew she was in Jax's arms.

"Morning" Jax whispered to her softly. "I love you" Jax said pulling Melody even closer. It was the first time he had ever said those three words to her.

"I love you too Jax" Melody said kissing him softly. "Whatever happens today, I'm right here" Melody said.

"I know" Jax replied softly. They then made love slowly, cherishing every moment they could not knowing when they would get another chance. When they were done Jax had gotten up to check on Abel while Melody jumped in the shower. Jax joined her shortly after she had gotten in. They made love again under the hot water and then got ready for the day. Melody was getting a new car in a few days considering hers was being held as evidence and was covered in a lot blood. For now Jax had one of the guys drop off a car from the shop she could use. She buckled Abel into his car seat and then followed Jax to the clubhouse.

"Hey" Opie called out once everyone was settled into the clubhouse. "Lyla has something she wants to say"

"We're getting married" She said cheerfully holding up her hand to reveal an engagement ring. Everyone broke out into cheers for the couple. Melody didn't know Lyla too well, but she knew Lyla made Opie happy and that's what truly mattered. After the announcement, the guys headed out to handle some business. Melody decided to sit outside with Abel to give him some fresh air. She then noticed Unser's cop car pulling into the lot just as she sat down.

"Shit" Melody said grabbing Abel from his carrier and rushing back into the clubhouse. "Unser's here" Melody said heading straight over to Gemma.

"That son of a bitch can't even give me one day" Gemma said rolling her eyes. She kissed Abel's forehead and walked out of the clubhouse to meet Unser. Melody followed behind her with Abel.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Melody asked as Unser put her in cuffs.

"You stay here with Abel, I'll be fine" Gemma said as Unser led her to the car.

"Should I call the guys?" Melody asked.

"I'll call Clay when we get down to the station" Unser assured her and Melody nodded heading back inside the clubhouse.


Melody spent most of the day talking to Lyla about wedding plans and Lyla offered the take Abel home so Melody could wait for Jax. When she heard motorcycles pull up, she headed outside to meet Jax.

"Hey I need a minute" Melody said pulling Jax away from Opie and a man named Chucky. Melody thought Chucky was nice, but the first time they met he jerked off right in front of her. Apparently it's a medical condition, but it still made her uncomfortable.

"Where's Abel?" Jax asked.

"Lyla offered to take him home, Neeta should be there now" Melody replied and Jax nodded. "Your mother's in jail" Melody said.

"I know, I heard" Jax said and Melody bit her lip.

"Unser called me after he took her in, the homicide charges were dropped and she's refusing to call Clay, what's going on?" Melody asked.

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