Chapter 21

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It played over and over again. Cameron busting down the nursery door. "You stupid bitch" He growled and slammed his gun into Melody's head. Then everything went black and the scene played all over again. Melody gasped and her body jerked awake. The light was blinding and it took her eyes awhile to adjust. Jax was sitting hunched over looking at the ground.

"Jax" Melody choked out, her voice was raspy and hoarse. Jax's head snapped up and he grabbed onto Melody's hand.

"I'll get the doctor" Jax said standing up.

"Is Abel ok?" Melody asked and Jax ignored her flagging a doctor down from the hall. "Jax, is Abel ok?" Melody repeated more urgently. The doctor walked in and checked her vitals.

"Well, your tests came back normal and your memory seems to be intact, we'll keep you over night but you should be alright to leave tomorrow as long as you take it easy" The doctor said and quickly walked out sensing the tension.

"Where's my son?" Melody demanding throwing her pillow at Jax.

"He's gone Melody, Cameron took him" Jax finally admitted and Melody sobbed.

"I tried to get away, I tried to protect him" Melody cried and Jax rushed to her side.

"You did what you could, tell me what happened" Jax asked and Melody told Jax everything from Gemma to Half-Sack and the cooking spray.

"Wait Gemma-"

"She's in hiding" Jax admitted. "She doesn't know about Abel, she knows you were in an accident but we told her it you fell and hit your head" Jax pulled out a phone and dialed a number. "She wanted you to call as soon as you woke up"

"Hello" Gemma's voice answered and it took everything in Melody not to cry.

"Hey Gemma, I'm assuming things didn't go well" Melody joked trying to sound like herself.

"That bitch Stahl set me up, but enough about me, what the hell happened to you" Gemma asked.

"I tried taking too many groceries inside and I couldn't see the step so I took a pretty nasty fall, slammed my head on the concrete" Melody lied.

"Well I'm glad you're ok, I hate being away from my family" Gemma said and Melody felt tears running down her face. "I gotta go sweetheart, kiss my grand baby for me, love you" Gemma said and the line went dead.

Next day

Jax helped Melody into the car and they drove home. "Are you sure you want to stay here?" Jax asked and Melody nodded. Jax helped her inside and brought her straight to the bedroom. Melody pushed Jax aside and went into the nursery instead. "You're torturing yourself" Jax said as Melody stared into the empty crib.

"I don't care" Melody admitted noticing the blood stained carpet. Melody left the nursery and went into my the bedroom. She climbed under the comforter and cried. Jax stayed in the nursery and Melody cried until she physically couldn't produce anymore tears. She felt like someone had ripped her heart out of her chest. Jax never came to bed and it took hours for Melody to finally pass out. 


Melody climbed out of bed to use the bathroom. She checked on Jax who was passed out in the nursery surrounded by empty bottles. Normally Melody would rush in and help get Jax together, but Melody barely had the energy to keep herself together. She heard a knock at the door and she slowly walked towards the front door.

"Hey Melody it's Opie and the guys" Opie's voice called through the door. Melody answered the door and pointed to the direction of the nursery. The guys went in to check on Jax and Melody headed straight to bed once again. She heard them take Jax to the bathroom and start the shower. The door squeaked open but Melody didn't move.

"Hey kid, you need anything" Clay asked and Melody didn't answer she just cried. "We're going to find him"

"Please just don't, I can't talk about it" Melody cried and Clay nodded leaving her alone. Awhile later the door opened again and Jax kneeled down beside her.

"I'm heading out now" Jax said and Melody looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"It's my fault" Melody said throwing herself into Jax's arms.

"It's not your fault, I should've never asked you to stay" Jax said stroking her hair. "You almost died Melody, the doctors didn't even think you'd make it through the night" Jax said and Melody cried harder pulling away from Jax.

"I would die for Abel and I'm not sorry I stayed, I'm sorry I didn't do more to protect our baby" Melody said and Jax kissed her forehead hard.

"You put yourself between Cameron and Abel, you did all you could, I have to go now" Jax said and Melody nodded still sitting on the floor. Jax left and Melody crumpled into a ball on the floor crying herself to sleep once again.

Few days later

Melody was dressed in a black dress and some black heels. Half-Sack's funeral was the first time she had left the house since she got out of the hospital. Her hair was still wet and her makeup was half-assed as she had no energy to care. Melody crouched down by his coffin and prayed. Half-Sack died trying to protect her and Abel. She watched him dying and just grabbed Abel to run and hide. Every single person looked to Melody with sympathy which just made her want to hide back in bed with the comforter over her head. Everyone gathered outside and awhile later a van passed by. The sliding door opened and guns started firing. Jax tackled Melody to the ground shielding her with his body. Jax helped her up once the van drove away. Unser took off running and Melody noticed David Hale face down in the street.

"I can't" Melody said grabbing her keys from her purse.

"What are you talking about" Jax asked.

"It's too much Jax, when does the killing stop" Melody asked and Jax looked away. "I can't lose you"

"You're not gonna lose me" Jax said pulling Melody into his arms.

"Find Abel and we can start over as a family, no more club" Melody said and Jax held her tighter.

"I'm trying Mel" Jax said kissing her head.

"I know"

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