Chapter 20

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Melody held Abel while Gemma pushed the cart around the grocery store. Half-Sack followed behind them as a chaperone which kind of bothered Melody, but she kept her mouth shut. "How much stuff do we need?" Melody asked.

"Well you never know how long we'll be on lock down so it's better to grab what we can now" Gemma admitted placing a few more things in the cart.

"What a beautiful baby" A woman commented and Melody smiled.

"Thank you"

"You and your husband must be very happy" She commented walking away before Melody could correct her.

"Speaking of your husband, how are things with you and Jax?" Gemma asked and Melody blushed thinking of their very enjoyable morning together.

"We're really good, I think we're finally heading in a serious direction" Melody admitted. When they were done shopping, Half-Sack helped load the groceries in the trunk while Melody settled Abel into his car seat. Gemma grabbed the keys from Half-Sack and quickly opened the driver's side door. "Quick get in" Gemma said and Melody frowned.

"What's going on?" Melody asked as she climbed in the car and buckled. Gemma sat there for awhile and Melody noticed she was looking a some woman. Melody looked closer and realized it was the same woman Gemma had chased after a few weeks earlier. "Gemma, whatever you're thinking, just forget it"

"Just relax" Gemma said starting the car as the blonde woman got in her car and pulled off. They followed her car for awhile until she stopped in front of a house and went inside.

"What are we doing Gemma?" Melody asked as Gemma stopped the car. Abel stirred in the back as Gemma shut the car off. "Whatever you're thinking about doing you don't have to do" Melody said.

"Everyone of our guys is risking their lives for me, this is how I do my part" Gemma placed the keys in Melody's hand and grabbed her purse. "Get my grandson home safe, I love you Melody and I'm so happy you're with my boy"

"Gemma please don't-"

"It'll be ok" Gemma said calmly hugging Melody. "I'll be ok" Gemma whispered in her ear and then pulled away. Gemma got out of the car and followed the blonde while Melody climbed over to the driver's side of the car.

"Where is she going" Half-Sack asked and Melody bit her lip.

"Stay here with her, she might need to get out of here fast" Melody said and Half-Sack groaned. Melody then drove home and placed Abel's carrier on the table while she unloaded some groceries. "Should I have stopped her?" Melody asked Abel but he just giggled and drooled. The front door opened and Melody snapped her body around.

"It's just me" Half-Sack said holding his hands up.

"What happened? Where's Gemma?" Melody said panicked.

"I don't know, the feds raided the house I had to leave" He said.

"Shit" Melody said rummaging through her purse.

"You better call Jax" Half-Sack said and Melody rolled her eyes.

"That's what I'm trying to do" Melody said annoyed as she dumped her purse out on the table. "Where the hell is my phone?" Melody said looking at the scattered mess on the table. Giving up Melody grabbed the landline. She dialed half of Jax's number until a man with a gun came into view. He grabbed the phone from her and threw it down. "Take whatever you want" Melody said holding her hands up.

"Weapon" The man demanded and Half-Sack handed him his gun.

"What do you want?" Melody asked suddenly recognizing the man as Cameron Hayes.

"Gemma killed my son, I figured killing an old lady would settle the score" He spat turning the gun back on Melody. "Get back" He yelled at Half-Sack making Abel cry. "A son for a son" Cameron said walking towards Abel's carrier. He pulled a knife off the counter and held it out near Abel. "Seems fair" He said.

"Please, he's just a baby" Melody cried out and that's when Half-Sack charged him but Cameron was quick and stabbed him. Melody screamed but took her chance and grabbed the cooking spray near the stove. She quick sprayed it into Cameron's eyes and he yelled out in pain. Melody grabbed Abel's carrier and ran to the nursery locking them inside. She fumbled with the phone in the nursery but dialed Jax's number.

"Hello?" Jax answered and Melody cried out.

"J-Jax" Melody stuttered as Cameron pounded on the door.

"What's going on" Jax asked worriedly.

"Cameron Hayes broke in and he killed Half-Sack and-" Melody was cut off by another bang at the door. Abel was screaming and Melody tried to calm him down but she was sobbing uncontrollably which just made Abel more upset.

"You're at the house?" Jax asked.

"Yes, please hurry, I'm scared" Melody cried out as Abel continued to scream.


Jax heard a cracking sound over the phone and headed towards his bike.

"What's going on brother" Clay asked and Jax waved him off.

"You stupid bitch" Jax heard Cameron growl.

"Melody!" Jax yelled into the phone but all he heard was her scream and then the phone went dead. "Cameron is at the house, I think he's going to kill them" Jax yelled out climbing onto his bike and starting it up. He raced to the house and threw his bike into park. The door was wide open and Jax pulled his gun out. He noticed Half-Sack on the floor of the kitchen surrounded by blood but Melody wasn't with him. Jax slowly headed towards the nursery and noticed the door was cracked. Then he saw Melody laying on the ground limp. "Melody" Jax cried out running to her side. She was bleeding from her head. "Mel can you hear me?"

"Jax!" Opie's voice called out.

"Call an ambulance, Melody's hurt" Jax yelled out as Opie came into view.

"Shit brother" Opie said pulling out his phone.

"Oye Jackie boy" Chibs said coming into view and kneeling besides Melody. "She still has a pulse, but she's bleeding bad" Chibs said grabbing the blanket from the couch and holding it to Melody's head.

"Shit" Jax yelled out turning towards the crib. "Fuck" He yelled kicking the rocking chair.

"What is it?" Chibs asked and Jax felt tears streaming down his face.

"Cameron took Abel"

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