Chapter 16

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It had been sometime since Tara and Jax broke up. Melody was still in a routine of working and taking care of Abel. She had been crashing a couple nights of the week on Jax's couch, but nothing much had happened besides a few stolen glances. Melody had called Kate and asked her to write Gemma a script for the hormone imbalance she was experiencing. Kate said she could get her a script, but that it would have to be from one of the doctor's at her old clinic so she wouldn't draw any attention to herself. Once Melody got the script she drove Gemma over to the pharmacy.

"Kate said to just rub it on your wrists, but don't do anymore than two pumps or you could have a hormonal spike" Melody said grabbing her keys from her purse as they left the pharmacy.

"My whole life is a hormonal spike sweetheart" Gemma said shoving the prescription bag in her purse.

"I think I might head into work for a little bit, do some paperwork" Melody said opening her door. "Gem?" Melody said looking up. Before she knew it Gemma was sprinting away from the car and towards some blonde chick. "What the hell?" Melody yelled running after her. Once Melody caught up she put a hand on Gemma's shoulder to get her atterion. Gemma's elbow then collided with Melody's nose. "Fuck" Melody yelled grabbing her face.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry" Gemma said pulling Melody towards her.

"What the hell was that?" Melody hissed holding her face as it gushed blood.

"Sorry, come on, I'll take you to St. Thomas" Gemma guided Melody back to the car and grabbed the keys from her. After Melody was checked out she found Gemma in the chapel.

"Well good news, it's not broken" Melody said plopping down next to Gemma.

"Sorry" Gemma said and Melody reached out for Gemma's hand.

"You ok?" She asked giving Gemma a weak smile.

"I'm fine" Gemma said and Melody frowned.

"Who was the girl?" Melody asked and Gemma sighed. "Jesus Gem, you gotta talk about what happened, you can't keep bottling it up"

"She told me her baby was choking and when I went to help, she knocked me over the head" Gemma said and Melody squeezed her hand.

"I made you an appointment, Dr. Lynch, she's easy to talk to and before you argue with me, you need this or else next it'll be a bullet instead of an elbow" Melody said handing Gemma a business card.

"I'm not talking to no shrink" Gemma argued.

"You go to this appointment or I'll tell Hale you assaulted me" Melody threatened.

"You playing hardball?" Gemma questioned.

"I'm doing this for you Gemma, I did the same thing for Wendy when I sent her to rehab several times before"

"What you're doing, for me, for the club, I appreciate it, you've stepped up these last couple of months and I'm proud" Gemma admitted and Melody smiled.

"Thanks" Melody said kissing Gemma's cheek and standing up. "But you still gotta see the shrink" Melody said helping her up. "I'll drop you off at home and then I've got some paperwork to wrap up" Melody dropped Gemma off and then headed to the office.

"Hey there, I was just heading out" Tom said as Melody walked into the clinic.

"No problem, I just had some paperwork to finish up from earlier in the week"

"Melody what happened to your nose" Tom asked stopping in his tracks.

"It's nothing, I startled Gemma and she reacted, it's not as bad as it looks" Melody admitted but Tom didn't look convinced.

"Ok well I guess just lock up when you're done" Tom said and Melody nodded. She sat in the back office going on her paperwork when she heard the bell to the front door go off.

"What happened?" Jax asked coming into the office.

"It was nothing" Melody said organizing some papers in the filing cabinet.

"My mom did that?" Jax questioned and Melody shrugged.

"I came up from behind her and I must've startled her" Melody said and Jax grabbed her wrist pulling her over to him.

"She got you good" He said examining her nose.

"It's fine, really" Melody said hopping up on the desk. "Your mom really knows how to get em" Melody said jokingly.

"And there's nothing else going on?" Jax asked and she shook her head. "Because I figured by telling you all there is to know, you could do the same" Jax said.

"I am telling you all there is to know, I swear" Melody said grabbing onto Jax's arm and looking up at him. Jax reached his hand up and rested it on Melody's cheek. She could feel her cheeks heating up and Jax smirked.

"Do I make you nervous?" He asked and Melody shook her head. Then she reached her hand up and pulled him down by the collar of his shirt. Melody decided then and there to give in. She was seconds from pulling his lips to hers when his phone went off. Jax pulled away and Melody jumped up from the desk to sit back down in her chair. "I uhm, I'll see you later" Jax said answering the phone and heading out.

Melody finished her paperwork a little bit later and decided to head home to grab a couple things before relieving Neeta for the day. She decided to shower and pack a bag so she could stay the night. Then she headed over to Jax's and ordered a pizza.

"Hey Abel baby" She said grabbing him from his crib. "I missed you today" Abel giggled and Melody's heart swelled. She let him have some tummy time and when the pizza arrived she placed him back in his crib. She ate a slice and then prepared a bottle for Abel. After she fed him, she burped him and set him down. She settled into the rocker with a book, looking up at Abel every once and awhile. Soon she heard the front door open and Jax walked into the nursery.

"You doing ok?" He asked and Melody nodded focusing on Abel. "How's the nose?" Jax smiled a little and Melody looked up at him, but was quiet for awhile.

"What are we doing here Jax?" Melody asked.

"What do you mean?"

"We've come close to a few moments and then just never speak of them again, how do I fit in with this life? I'm a goody goody remember?" Melody said.

"But you'll do anything for family" Jax argued and Melody laughed.

"Yeah, like betray my sister and mess around with her ex-husband" Melody said disgusted with herself.

"I don't think we're messing around Mel, ever since you got here I've been different, I watch you with Abel and sometimes I think he was meant to bring us together" Jax said and Melody blushed.

"I would've never come down to Charming if Wendy never had Abel" Melody said standing up from the rocker and peaking into the crib. "I thought if I just ignored the way I felt and pushed you to be with Tara, that my feelings would just go away" Melody admitted turning to face Jax.

"Tara could see I didn't love her anymore" Jax stated.

"Gemma asked me if you were never married to Wendy if I would be with you and I couldn't give her an answer" Melody recalled biting her lip.

"And why's that?" Jax asked stepping closer to Melody.

"Because I would've said yes" Melody whispered pulling Jax's body to her own. He grabbed her face with his hands and put his lips on hers. And for once Abel let them have their moment.

(Finally!!! I told you it was coming!)

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